“3— The more eften I ponder the mask of happiness that this thin, drawn, unassuming little Japanese cook wore, the more do I choose it as a fitting de~ sign for living with players and opposing teams and coachese Behind the dressing room deors we see anxious, panting, drawn men, spent and spraivling, We sce coaches adjusting themselves to the situation of the moments. If the men necd mental pep-injections, the coach may be a snarling, vicious, fighting or laughing tiger. If they need seothing and quiet their re= actions may be determined by the ingenuity of the coache At one time he must be kind and extremely gontle - at another he must be relentless and hard; but at all times a dynamic leader whom men with their blind faith and loyalty will dic to followe I am happy that in America today we find eur boys waging a gridiron battle on football fields instead of, as in Europe, the symbol of the young schoel boy with a musket over his shoulder marching for the battloficld. Ours - 4 Democracy; theirs = an Autocracys ' it