Dr. Allen Mr. Jacobs Drs Allen Mr. Jacobs Dr. Allen Mr. Jacobs aoe By no means. We are badly in arrears of that phase of it, so far as physical education is concerned. You know, John, I feel that those teachers should be just as well trained as kindergarten teachers are in their work. They should know just as much about the philosophy of play life and they shouid endeavor to have an hour for play every day + not just once in a while. It should be a part of their every day curricular program. Do you believe then that every teacher should be a physical education teacher? Exactly. Every teacher should have the basic train- ing that all physical education teachers get. Physical education teachers should possess the spirit of exuberance and buoyance, and be a living example of robust health. This precious possession on the part of the physical education teacher is bound to be transmitted to their fellow teachers as Well as to the group they are working with. That is the emphasis I would put on physical education for all teachers, and then our physical education supervisors of the schools could work out the necess- ary program with these teachers. | Would you make the physical education program for the junior high school different from that of the elementary school? Well, I should have the competitive teams at the apex of the pyramid. There should be a broad base of inter-school games, both for the boys and the girls, and of course that would immediately eall for at least 20 acres of playground spece around the school. That is semething that our Germanic-~- minded educetors have failed to put into execution. You know the Germans even prior to the World War thought that a horizontal bar and a parallel bar and some weights to lift were sufficient to build a strong physique. It is Denver, I believe, that has a requirement that no school building can be errected unless it has 40 acres of play space ad- jacent to the building. While we are talking of play space, what do you think about our own lecal schools as far as play- ground space is concerned?