Mr. Jacobs Dr. Allen Mr. Jacobs Dr. Allen oSe close proximity to the high school building. And the worst indictment is that we have failed +o provide adequate play space for every boy and girl, whether athlete or not, se that they may play out in God's great cut of doors at Jeast one heur each day. After they have exercised they go in to the high school and have e@ shower bath and 1 good vig- erous rub-down. They are stim lated physically, ani emotionally remaede after such an exhilarating play hour. These boys and girls, youngsters of ours, rush neurotically from one class period to the other with too much of a sexy complex under these untoward conditions, ani with the ratigue curve always rising. A pley hour each day in the out of doors, combined with an invigorating shower and rub-down, many times change their immature philosophy into a durable conception concerning the real meaning of iife. The argument that we had plenty of play space then was hardly valid from a long time point of view, because it is possible to acquire play space only when there is plenty of its Right! Our University of Kansas Athletic Associat-~- ion purchased from Mr. Gowans a tract of land south of the University back in 1921 for $12,900. That was considered quite a price at that time. But look at it now -- all the other space around it has been teken up by homes. Therefore, it takes some person with a prophetic vision to purchase now. Although we have missed one chance, it still Tsn't too late. We must plan for the futuro now. Well. while we ere talking about playground space, what about the situation at che junior high school? Weli, John, this is nothing but an old brick build- ing, with brick pavement end shat surrounding it. Certainly this antiquated old building should be condemned and a new junior high school built. Someone like Dr. OBrien and a committee should survey, as they did for the high school, and locate the new junior high school where there is ample play space. Now, I just want to hark back a moment to the high schcol. I wish you’ could see the play space at the Columbia, Missouri, high school. They have gone three miles north of Columbia on Highway 40 to locate their new high school’ in the open spaces. They have acres and acres, and Columbia