Mr J abobs Dr. Allen Mr. Jacobs Dr. Allen we for the girl as a strenuous activity. That is erroneous, because the modern girl has poise, rhythm, skill, culture, aud withal is a very ef« feminate and porsonaable irdividual without those bulging muscles that characterized the sarly day girl athlete. About whore in ths scheol system wouid vou begin to differentiate the treatment of boys and givis? In the junior high school, I would say. I would have separate activities at times, but let them play certain games together. I would have some of the sports together, because the boys used to say of a girl, "Aw, she's a sissy", and now that idea is being broken down. We are doing it at the University, and I believe that should be a minor program. Now, John, here's one question that I would like to ask you. I am wondering if you ob- gerve any change in the attitude of the youngsters toward physical education as compared to ten years ago? Yes, Phog, there is 2 very decided change that I have noticed. Thpre was a time when; physical education was looked upon as a necessary evil. Students would gojto class as seldom, as possivle and got out of as much work as possible. Today that is completely changed. They enjoy the physical education classes and activities. Now, John, I want to ask you another question. We have physical education on an eptionel basks, bat we give credit for it here. Way is it nov right and proper that you should give ecademis credit the seme as you do for obher subjee ts? There is no reason at alii, enl thers has heen a very definite trend in this dtxeétion. che North Central Association of Soecndary Sshcols end Colleges at the present tine dow? nov make a dis- tinction in credit value ef differens sudjccts, and high schools are permitted to give eredit Yor any subject. “A unit ef credit is the ereait given fer the successi'ul completion of the study of any subject requiring preparation ovtside of the recit- ation, with five recitations a week for a full school year of net less than 36 weeks." Se you see, Phog, if we gave physical education every day as we should there is no reason at all why it shouwid not have the same credit value as other subjects.