25 Sg oy December 14, 1987e and SQth of December « the 23rd for the Christmas program and the 50th for whatever program, musical or otherwise, that you see fit to uses Tt happens that I will not get back watilZ ee ee Our team leaves Des dues at 4 o'clock on the Rock Island Rocket and we will not into Kansas City umtil 9:30. So a high school, and a great basketball future 4s predicted for these hoyes They are fine students as well as fine athletes. The meubers of the ever«victorious team will be Ray Boling, Paul Rogers and Ray Noble, forwards; Milton Alien, center; and Pranois Keppelman, Fred Pralle and Wilmer Shaffer, guards. page capnstaer or psoas ts ahd gern Kansas, to see the varsity+frosh game on the night of Syd. After witnessing the spectacular game put up by freciuin,' Whee Gok Akiben relemned en Tabell started — ering to bad oreny might at © Gtaloens eee ‘i