Announcer « Cannady « Camnady = Chorus = Cannady « Cannady @ lst voice = end voice « Cannady = RADIO PROGRAM December 16, 1937 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH SERIES "SASNAK CLUB" This evening the Department of Physical Education, of the University of Kansas, presents & program prepared and pro- duced by the Sasnak Club, a new organization in that departe mente We take you now to Rebinson Gymnasium where a meeting of the Sasnak Club is in progresse (Fade in) O.K. Frosty e « « Give us the note « e e (Sound of piano note) All right « e « Ready, everybody e e "Oh, we've plenty of vigor and we've lots of vim; We play baseball, and we kmow how to swine (Chorus: Ain't gonna grieve my lord, etc.) Oh, wetre Physe Ede majors, from old K.U. We'll get our jobs and we'll plow right throughe )Chorus: Ain't gonna grieve my lord, etce) " (Sound of many voices talking, laughing. Gavel hit on table.) The meoting of the Sasnak Club will please came to ordere (More noise « « « gavol) Order please? (Pause for quicting down) Since we have visitors with us this cvening I thought it might be a good idea to have our secretary, Miss Ruth Baker, tell us a little about tho Physe Ede majors and thoir clube And maybe read tho Sasnak purposce How "bout it, Ruth? Yeoh e e what about us, anyway? Aw e e I wanna sing « » g Can I sing now? Quict, youl Ruth, you want to came up here in front?