=Qeo : a. ee bem gg Hoover-- Yes, and if you want the really strenuous indoor games, I should suggest Allen-- Hoover-=- Allen-- Hoover=<= Allen-- Hoover-- Allen-- basketball or handball. Yes, but no person could relax and go to sleep after a very strenuous game of basketball or handball. Groat excitation is produced in a basketball game.» Most of tho varsity players find it very difficult to go to sloop under two or three hours after a strenuous basketball gamo. In fact, I know of somo of my varsity players who, after an oxciting game, cannot sloep until the wee, small hours of the morning. But I am thinking of those breadwinners, who, after a few years in the rough and tumblo of business and professional life, have great difficulty in getting a good, sound night's slecp. They desire a retreat from the strain, cares and hy- pertension of this modern cxistenco. They fool the necd and the dblessivg of rest. To a tired soul seeking a surceaso from worry these words of Matthew come as a bonediction: "Come unto mo, all ye that labor and arc heavy laden, and I will give you rest.® Did not the Indian have an equivalent philosophy when he thought of his happy hunting ground? And the Chinese philosopher, touching on the meta~ physical fantasies, when he said, "I sometimes wonder whether I am dreaming life or living a dream." You will recall that whon MacBoth murdored sleep thru his fear, he so aptly said: "The innocent sleep, sleep that knits up the ravolled sleeve of oure, the death of cach day's life, sore labor's bath, balm of hurt mind, great nature's second course, chief nourishor in life's feast." These linos are pungent with the fear of sleeplessness. To push fear out of a life it is necessary to gencorate a confident thought in the placo of a doubtful one. If a switchman desires to move a box car from a certain location ho signals the switch engine so that ho may replace that certain box car by pushing anothor onc in its place. This is the basic pscyhology of overcoming fear and gaining confidence, Miss Hoover, what is your furthor prescription to repress fear? Well, I should just ro-omphasize the necessity of using your head less at certain times, and use your arms, legs and large fundamental group mscles of the body more; muscles that are used in running, jumping, leaping, vaulting and climbing. Certainly if healthy persons use these muscles more they would have a good digestion. And if one has a good digestion he has good assimilation. With good assimilation, strong vitality. And with strong vitality, strong mus- cular action. Dr. Allen, some one was telling me about the slogans you htve in the varsity dressing room. What is that slogan concorning the three B's that you havo for your baskotball team? Oh, those three B's are merely to aid the boys to train moro intelligently. We have a now >lacard that we put up cach day for health anc morale sup~ gostions for tho varsity. I morely suggest that tho three B's mean that the boys should cat broiled, boiled and baked foods. This climinates tho groasy foods. Of course, we advocate toast because bread is the staff of lifo and toast is sweotened broad. The hoat breaks up tho starch capsules and assists in turning the starchos into sugare The extra mastication necessary in eating toast also aids dizestion.e Slorans similar to this