Lapp-- ia See the rermanent teeth are in; resistance to disease is hich. The weicht is light compared with the heicht of the crowing sirl. There is 2 revid growth of bones ana muscle. There is a chenze in the blood commosition. By this time the brain has ceased to rrom in size and weirht. The sirl hrs 2 crea- tive imeination and the higher mental vovers are this .°e weriod. Recently Dr. Lowman Clendenninr, in one of his @aily articles in the Fanses City Star, »ointed out that it was inadvisable for boys unier 144 to engsre in interscholastie football competi- tion. Only yesterdzy here in Lawrence sn enthusiastic father deplored the fact that his young son coule not sIsy in junior hizh school lenarue ctames because the ~hysician hed detected a heart murmur in his son. Rest fora year for this younc boy will nllow nature to compensate anc the heart resume normalcy. You will remember that heart murmurs are quite common at this ase. Now to summarize: This younsster up to 10 years of age is just a young em ing humn animel. His job is to develop 2 stronz muscular end orgenic foun- dation in which the nervous systen is to mature. It is through his tlay ene the activities that he inlulzes in that he accomplishes this sim. His ner- vous system is the last of the highly specialized tissues to be Geveloped. Healthy nervous reactions depene unon bodily visor. The fundamental croup muscles, such as are cmployed in runnin:, leaving, jumpins, vaulting, climb- ing ad swincine arc the muscles that rroduce robust vitslity. The accessory aroun muscles, which are ordinarily employed in the fin r movements, neces- sitate 2 complex coordinntion of nervous control, 2 eontrol which is entirely lecking in the early years of physicsl srowth. The dhili at this time is not himself. He is someone else in his own imagination. His activitics must appeal to his drictic sense. Whether he be 2 make-belicve All-American football player, an aviotor, or an engineer, he is what he would have his