=6~ and physical education in many Mintes is offering positions for tho individual trained mainly for health as a teacher, supervisor, or admin- istrator. The ficld in which, at tho presont time, there are the fewest of workers is that of researche If physical cducation is to advance as rapidly as other phases of education attention must be given to researche Physical education is very complex, it uses biology, chemistry, psychology, and education as its tools, The researchers must be trained in all of these linese Physical education is a science, not solely a practical study. There is a placo for the theorist and the experimenter as well as the practical mane The physical pre research student needs the same scientifically trained basis as other experimenterse In time, this field should heave its theorists who arc known by their productive studics of research, and from whose guidance will come the accumulation and sorting of a large body of facts that will lend themselves to formulation of now laws and principles which will solidify the claims to physical education as a seiencee Physical cducation, today, needs trainod loaders, and upon them depends the success of their profession.