Eart V. Foster, Graduate Manager Loyp A. Bury, Assistant Manager Howarp Greer, Publicity Director ASSOCIATED STUDENTS State College of Washington ADMINISTRATION BUILDING TELEPHONE 1281 PULLMAN, WASHINGTON June 30, 1939 Mre Forrest Ce Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mre Allen: We are arrancine for a trip for our varsity basket- ball team this comins December and would welcome the opportunity to schedule a same with the Univer- sity of Kansase We can offer the dates of Decem- ber 26, 27, or 28. The games we have already scheduled have been on the basis of a ruarantee of $350 with an option of fifty per cent of the rate if over that amount. At pres- ent our schedule calls for sames with Michiran State, Purdue, Wayne University and Bradley Teche Our varsity team has maintained a very fine record in the Pacific Coast Conference and we expect to have an outstanding team this next year. We would appreciate your consideration of scheduling @ rame with use. Hoping to hear from you soon, I am, Sincerely yours, bul! Earl V. Foster Graduate Manager evi: jb be