Allen moan your fellow man or of making him understand you by telepathy. Hunan intercourso is always based on conerete patterns of bex havior. The sense of adequacy of life, one's insight: into humanity, one's sense of adequate adjustment to and integration with the social group of which one is a part, depends absolutely upon the smooth and effieicnt control which one has over his physical ox. pression medias These media are, in part, oral specch and writing, in other part, gesture ond primitive sounds, and in other part, the more obvious typos of activity such as we find in connection with plays and gamos, They mimic life. I kmow of no more effective device by moans of which boys and girls may become satisfactorily | adjusted to their fellow mon than by play participations They find out what the other fellow can do and will do, They discover their own capacities and limitations, and they energe from these contests with a sense of clation, a sense of adequacy of life, a. senso of worthwhileness of effort, a sense of psychic poise which can be secured in no other way, For that reason I answer your question in the affirmative. I believe that it is here that one of the most important arguments for physical cducation is to be founde I thank you, Dean Schwegler, for your kindly participations