age a PEL f f GPE AS x Ma PML. PZ ed ES oy =e ALE Cf eT) VAL yf —— Field Goals Free Throws Immediate Assists Secondary Assists Recovery of ball off own backboard PIEAE/N ACN t7/ AAS AA? AISIOlA\/|O0 AIIS/ INNS (\¢| /\al/\o Nelglalasr AES YA AZI ANN Recovers teammates Jump Ball Recovery of opponent's fumble Good passes IZ ePSPY nomargn3 Good catches Ai ee 8/ | SF res led lol/i/'7 lal? L276 [Let 1SASA Iai/|elFiaie CE/ sks ELSI HC loll LUNES Total positive evaluation points, Offensive Error of omission / Held ball forced by opponent Fumbles out of bounds Fumbles to opponent Taps ball out of bounds T Wild pass to opponent Wild pass out of bounds Violation . giSirlelaaieyt || Offensive personal foul ICU/IAIOLOLE /1 O10 Total negative evaluation points, Offensive Dp | Net offensive evaluation points Blocking opponent's shot Intercepting opponent's dribble Intercepting opponent's pass Visa? Recovery from opponent's backboard JVENS|/|/ BSe 7 EANEIA/ ° lololagle| &/1 oe lelelelelolalealz P IPIPFIAIOILZT ico jololele joigigi?a elelal/ial7o/\| € lelololvigialalal leer iseles 0 IFI/lal/ 19/0 | /Clols|elolilolele IISIgielol CE7| Oo lolelolp leleiaic f> if 2 viz} €| 9 Batting ball from opponent's hands and recovering J. oO liolo Vieloio| 24 | iPi/lelolaiaiaia 9 / ? 0 o | Batting ball from opponent's hands and not recovering a / *z 0 Li JIS EMO 9 SL 1 7 IG\OIOlOI9 Cial.| J\ 9} DIAZ A0\ AC 1 T IVololalsl al ala oe G Forcing held ball Cuts off opponent's pass, Dut nov recovering Total positive evaluation points-= Defensive 7? 7 {7 Fouling opponent with ball ? ? / 0. 818 Fouling opponent without ball ? g Pe IGO Tet Fe W\7\o) &/ ? Total negative evaluation points, Defensive . Cig Net defensive evaluation points S/ £7 | 9 ize bes 74 c= |_8A/ | $- etfighi Ac Tet 7 i LS Total positive defensive end offen-~ sive evaluation points LZOl\BCCV AS $2. (CIS) £2 ee Tf 22 | Sor \o/ Te / |\A4/\7t| oloela| rr eS Besri sc = Fr 5 7 ——~ Total negative defensive and offen- sive evaluation poinks — - L/17 SBP/ E&P Ze LO Jer | ECS B/ GSC LLiss Net defensive and offensive evalu- ation points