F.M.ROGERS LAWYER WELLINGTON, KANSAS February 14, 1946. Dr. Forrest C. Allen,. Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I was sorry to bother ace yesterday with the telephone call about Harold and Yerald attending the Nebraska game tomorrow night but 1 wanted to be sure that they would have an opportunity to see the game if they made the trip. I certainly appreciate your courtesy. They will probably see you at your office tomorrow afternoon. Harold and Gerald are very much interested in basket- ball and have followed you and your team for many years. They are now sixteen years old and juniors in high school and are beginning to think something of where they might attend college. It may be of interest to you to know that they are twins but not identical twins. Harold is three or four inches taller than Gerald and weights about twenty pounds more than Gerald. Harold plays regularly on the high school team while Gerald is one of the reserves. Wellington has a fair team this year. You may have noted that they defeated Shawnee Mission at Salina last week and then lost to Salina by a score of 45 to 43. I know the boys will be thrilled to go in with your team tomorrow night. Wincerely yours, FMR tsj