October 11, 1944, Mir. Harold L. Reade, Athletic Director, Shawnee-Mission ural High School, | Merrian, Kansas. Dear Harold: Yes, we are planning on some games in Kansas City. I have written Rockhurst for the 12th of December, but have not heard from then. We are also planning games for the 15th and 1éth of | ‘Becember, and the 22nd and 25rd of December. Kansas may not play in the 15th and 16th games, and yet there is a possibility they : might. But for the 22nd and 23rd we will have Missouri, Kansas State, Kansas, perhaps Colorado, and some other team as Colorado ean only play one game. For the 15th and 16th - neither date is closed en- tirely, but Oklahoma and the Iowa Seahawks will play one game, and we may have Wyoming and some other team to fill in the other games. ‘They are tentative and I will ask you to keep it confidential, but you can rather plan on the 12th, if possible, and the 22nd and 23rd. I am sure we can arrange something for those dates, and we ——e I will advise you when we get further ONE e Our basketball prospects are not alluring, but we will take them in stride and hope to get going before the season is over. I trust to see your game in Lawrence Friday night. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, _ hrector of Physical Rducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.