~ Maroh 17, 1945. Dear Sid: ; , cs utente 2% sale yeaa se ak ollnk © to Denver tonight and will see Pred Pralle where he is playing with the Phillipps " x the National Tournanent. Paul Negers is in the dry cleaning busineen here and is. doing well. Ray Noble is in the Army, and Al Wellhausen is tending bar ine joint in Kansas City. 3 I have just talked with Dean J. O. Jones, of the School of Engineering and he telle me he will write you immediately. I trust you get fixed yp, and although 29 might be a little old for basket- ball, I know a lot of players can still negotiate the distance. I, like you, au interested in your degree more than I am in your ath- letics, because your degree will carry you places years after you are through with athleties. 4 With every good wish to you and yours, I axa Sincerely yours, POA: AH