JONES & LAUGHLIN SUPPLY COMPANY ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION DIVISION POST OFFICE DRAWER 1620 WICHITA FALLS, TEXAS March 6, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coach, Greetings and salutations from an old ball player of yours; you may remember Sid Rice, freshman in '34, played forward with Ray Noble, Rogers, Fred Pralle, and Al Wellhousen. Of course it was eleven years ago but I've followed your great teams, mostly in the newspapers, and as usual you are to be congratulated on so many successful seasons. Coach, I am very much interested in returning to school in order to obtain an engineering degree, petroleum with possibly some Aeronautical study. I have full credit for one year there in preparation for a law course. The past three years I have been working on the construction of 100 octane gasoline planta and I like this field very much. .. With the present speed-up of most college programs I thought possibly I could obtain enough credits in two years, by. attending summep classes to obtain a degree. If you would be kind enough to hand this information to the head of the Engineering School I should greatly appreciate it. Possibly he could look up my record and make a proposed itenery that I couldfollow to accon- plish this objective. I am just 29 coach, maybe not too old to play a little ball for you. Of course I am principally interested in the Degree. Thanks very much for your efforts on my behalf and I hope to hear from you in the near future, Yours Very Sincerely, Dra Wichita Falls, Texas