March 17, 1945. Mr. Floyd A. Rowe, 16210 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 10, Ohio. Dear Floyd: I regret that I was a trifle late in responding to George Edwards’ request for this information, We had difficulty in loeat- ing our record for the year previous, which accounts for the delay. I an enclosing a statenent which gives my reactions on the five foul rule and some of the other angles that have occurred te me in my basketball experience. You will notice in 1943 end 1944 we played 23 games for a total of 294 fouls called, with an average por game of 12.78, and - in 1944 and '45 we played 17 games with an average of 16 fouls per geme. This agrees with my contention that the five foul rule en- acted by the Rules Committee last year was a confession of a bad situation but made without removing the cause of the trouble. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Ceach.