Mareh 27, 1946. Lt. Jaok R. Richardson, AAP Regional Hospital, AAPORD, ‘i o Kearns, Utah. Dear Jack: I was delighted to have your letter of March 19, from Salt Lake City. Yes, indeed, I do remember you and your levely wife, Helen Hay Richardson. Jack, we are tickled to death to put you on the mailing list for the Jayhawk Rebounds. I'm sorry we didn't have you on before. Paul and Margie Masoner are a great ida {t see Lester McCoy occasionally, and how fond grandparents are can only be surmised when they start talking, and let it be said here and now that Lester dees do some talking about his grandchild and the parents of this fine erandohild. \ I saw Fred Pralle in Denver where the Oilers were playing . for the championship. I left in the middle of the week but not wmtil I had worked on Fred's kmee. lic is a great boy. And are there any better fellows then Theno Graves? Golly, I am darn sorry about that compound fracture. I know what those are. iI am glad that you are making progress and I an hoping that you will be fully recovered before long. You certainly put a high evaluation on that K card. I feel qs you do, being one of the possessors of the coveted K. f ‘\ Yes, it is darn tough to lose men like T. P. Hunter end Bill Boven and Pred Eberhardt and the rest of the good boys that have © gone. | ! os Thanks for your kind wishes, and raaaber me to your > good wife. The Rebounds will tell you some about our family and we will keep you advised from time to time if they make news. Mrs. Allen is well and is expecting Bleanor back April 9. She is coming for a month's visit from Philadelphia. Bob and Jean MoFarland Allen were down Sunday, and Bob and I engaged in nine holes of golf. When wo re-— turned from the Country Club, Mrs. Allen called Eleanor and @il Williams, her husband, at Philadelphia, and all of us had a twenty-minute visit with them. It was a lot of fun but I imagine when the bill comes in Mrs. Allen will still figure she got double her money's: worth.