May 8, 1946. Major B. Le Roberts, 204 Cheyenne Read, Golorado Springs, Colo. Z am enclosing an cup linntien blankswhich I. have peek from Mr. P. L. Sehlagle, SaReeee of anerte, Kansas , City 16, Kansas. Superintendent Schlagle says in his letter: "I shall be glad te have you hand him the enclosed application form te £111 out and return to me so that I may give hin consideration for any epenings in our schéols for which he would aston “fhank you fer yor interest in our schools." Sinserely yours, as ‘ DPiveotor of Physical Education, — Enc. Varsity Basketball Ceach. : P28. I am also enclosing a letter and application blank which I have just received from the Kansas City, Missouri, public school systen. F.C.Ao