April 24, 1945. Mr. F. Le Sahlegel, : uy Superintendent of Schools, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Schlegel: . I received a letter from Major B. L. Roberts, a graduate of Central Missouri State Teachers College, and I am sure, the _ University of Missouri. I know he is a University graduate, but I am not sure after leaving Warrensburg what University he attended. Majer Roberts played football and basketball and competed in track, for me while I was at Central Missouri State Teachers College. He had two brethers that were outstanding athletes at the University of Missouri. This was along about 1915-16. Major Reberts writes me eshte ak Sas tk on ce in football is showing up and they do not consider him suited for a hard campaign in the Southwest Pacific. He has written me asking 4f I could line him up in a college coaching position. He hag his pedagogy and other qualificationa for a life teaching certificate, Iam sure. I wrote him and told him I knew of no openings in eollege but there were a great many high school openings, I am sure, and I am writing to see if you would be interested in him. He is clean as a hound's tooth and a fine gentleman. He would make a great coach, as well as a great example for young men. | I am trying to aid him in any way that I can in this re- — haba li tation work. Won't you write me and frankly tell me what the chances are for a man with these unusual qualifications? He is now located at Colorado Springs, and would be interested in something for next fall. With all good wishes, I am Sineerely yours, ae Direotor of Physical Rducation, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.