Maroh 22, 1945. Mr. Floyd A. Rowe, Prinoipal, Collinwood High Sehool,: 15210 8t. Clair Avenue, Cleveland 10, Ohio. Dear Floyd: It certainly was good to have a letter from an old time friend such as you. You and I talk very plainly and see eye to eye. I never Was a yes man, and I know you belong in the same category. I ean understand a fellow like you, but cannot understand some of those guys that used to sit in with us, - and further then that, I might add that I am not interested in trying to figure them out. I have my own ideas, and they are pretty definite. | Fleyd, these fouls were on the Kensas team and not on the opponents. George wrote me saying that he wanted the number of fouls that we made in 1944 and in 1945 to make a comparison. It would not be possible for me to have their season's record, so only by asking each team to submit their total records would any accuracy be gained. These fouls are for Kansas only. ; With all good wishes and kindest personal regards, I am Very sincerely yours, FCAAH