A Record of Success e THE COUNTY CENTER was opened in May, 1930, to serve the recreational needs of Westchester’s 520,000 residents. Its reputation, based on the diversity and popularity of events presented in this period, is well-established. World-famous musicians and theatrical stars, lecturers and statesmen, champions of the sports world and artists, have come to the Center to contribute their share to the enjoyment and cultural life of Westchester. A recent development is the increased popularity of the County Center for exposition purposes. Automobile, antique, horticultural, business, housing, historical and other outstanding shows attract wide attendance from the consumer-public. Occupying an imposing parkway site, the large, impressive building of monolithic concrete construction in modern architectural design attracts the attention of thousands of motorists daily. Not only is it located virtually in the center of Westchester, but is at the junction of the Bronx River Park- way and Central Avenue, with the White Plains station of the New York Central R.R. nearby. 1800 cars may be parked in the Center's free parking area. Of particular interest to those not already familiar with the Center are its moderate rentals and the consistently courteous and efficient service ol its permanent staff, engaged by the Westchester County Recreation Com- mission. For civic and educational events of a non-partisan nature, for which no admission is charged, the County Center is available without cost. . Facilities Main Auditorium Stage Presentations Recitals—Grand Opera—Symphony Orchestra Programs—Choral Presentations—Musical Comedy—Legitimate Theatre—Motion Pic- tures—Dance Recitals—Lectures—Mass Meetings SEATING CAPACITY—4,500 ——3,400 removable seats in Orchestra —Sound-proofed curtains may be used to reduce size as desired —Removable graduated floor may be used, reducing num- ber of orchestra seats to 1,750 —_Horse-shoe shaped balcony with 70 boxes (420 seats) in double tier—four rows of Dress Circle seats (680) Stage Equipment Stage 72 feet wide, 33 feet deep, 35 feet high at proscenium arch— 90 feet to gridiron Stage may be reduced to 30-foot opening Solidly constructed cyclorama 36 feet high encircle entire stage, serving as sky background and sounding board, raising by electricity to give access to back-stage delivery doors, and equipped top and bottom with special border lights Movable light-bridge has capacity for spotlights up to 35,000 watts Tormentor light-towers with spots Remote control switchboard on backstage balcony enables one op- - erator to pre-set numerous scenes and control entire lighting of main auditorium and stage Road switch on stage level for portable dimmer banks Counter-balanced scenery hanging equipment holding 45 sets allow- ing for standard spacing Six large, light airy dressing rooms with shower baths—special rooms for stars Floor Presentations Expositions—Dances—Banquets—Hobby Shows—lIndoor Sports Tournaments—Boxing Matches—Carnivals CAPACITY AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Area of 25,700 square feet Additional exposition space of 18,950 square feet in base- ment connecting by stairway Kitchen in basement equipped to serve as many as 2,000 New Sound Amplification and Radio Broadcasting Equip- ment—Aeolian Four Manual Concert Organ Little Theatre Plays—Recitals—Informal Dinners, Dances and Meetings— Children's Theatre—Lectures—Exhibitions FACILITIES Total seating capacity 520 (Removable seats) Optional use of removable ramp wuich reduces capacity to 420 Stage 26 feet wide, 18 feet deep Modern lighting equipment and stage apparatus and two good-sized dressing rooms and backstage storage space Write for Booklet