June 14, 1944. Mr. U. Floyd Rible, 740 Miselissippi Ste, Lawrence, Kangase Dear Floyds 7 I was desolated to receive your letter of information telling me that you wore leaving use I felt very guilty in not making more friendly contacts with you while you were here, but I have been so doggone busy that I mve just mglected ny friends for war and business reasonse ‘ 7 | Mpg. Aidlen and I called on you and lirs. Rible early but you were out, and then when you called we were out. Living so close to each other, it does seem that we should see each other more often. : When Jay Jakosky was here we played golf together, and we wore quite sure we were going to play a lot more, but after Jey left it seems as if our comtacts were broken in a golfing way. And in Rotary, being tied up with administration and running the program off kept me so confomded busy I couldn't visit with my good friends. | | All of this is a darn poor alibi for not having seen you more because it has been my loss. However, I do want you to knew that we terribly regret losing you, but we know that where bigger things aall a fellow that is where he should go. I trust you have oodles ani oodles of success, and I want you to know that if we ever go to the coast you will be one of the fellows that I will be wanting to see first. It ms been grand . to have you in Rotary and you have made a very definite oontri- \ bution. But it has all been do short. With every good wish, I am Rotarily yours,