Wilmerding, Pennsyluania & Office Supervising Principal knee WeEsTINGHOUsSE MemoriAt HicH ScHOOL D. A. BARBOR, PRESIDENT J. W. UNGERMAN, VICE PRESIDENT Phone Valley 1161 W. D. FERREE, SECRETARY Vv. L. BARBOR, SoLticitoRr P. W. MORGAN, TREASURER January 12, 1943 N. 1. REIST, SUPERVISING PRINCIPAL Wilmerding Public Schools DIRECTORS D. A. BARBOR W. F. PUGSLEY JAMES BIGGS, SR. J. P. NEIDHARDT W. D. FERREE M. W. KLAUSING J. W. UNGERMAN Dr. Forrest C. Allen Direeter=-Phy. Ed. & Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Your letter of the 7th at hand fer reply. It was the poem you read to me that you said you would have a copy sent at a later date. I certainly enjoyed the trip. Further, it was a pleasure te re- new Kansas friends with a Kansas friend. Immediately upon my return nome, I gave a full report of our nice trip to Mrs. Reist and the boys. They alse enjoyed it. Enclosed, find a copy of your report on basketball] in our Pittsburgh Press. With kindest regards. Sincerely yours, As Reist Supervising Principal NIR:fle