. Gt. Oatober 5, 1942. af Mr. John Brand, President, Lawrenee Retary Club, Lawrence, Kansas. aa eae tere ean Dear President John: The chairmen of the Club Service Committee desires to make his amnual repert. The fimotion of the chairman ef this committee is a little hazy te me, but I understand that the chairman is te be coordinator of all of the committees ef the Retary Club and to assist in every way possible in the functioning ef the club. I am listing the rester of ‘the chairmen of the various committees and wish te say that in my opinion it is a most outstanding and co- operative group. Each chairmen of kis respective committee seems enthusiastic about his jeb. — } ‘ John Stutz, Auditing Committee’ I. Je Meade, Budget Committee Walter Keeler, Classification HeveyrHamna, Pr J. Frank Jenes, Historian Fred Ellsworth, Club Publications Ray Reeves, Fellewship and Attendance Inter-club Activities, Reger Allen Music, Thayer Gaston Program, Cecil Hough and George B. Smith Rotary Ann Meetings, CorlettCetten Public Information, R. C. Rankin Education, Walter Keeler Club Service, F. ©. Allen When you have been called out of tow on account of illness, it has been my eppertunity te preside and I have noted with a great deal of joy the fine spirit exhibited by the club members in their fellewship and oceeperative spirit. Im the war crisis that we are at the present time nothing helps so much as the attitude ef the Retary members during this hour and @ half conclave. So well have these committees functioned that there is very little for the chairman ef the Club Service Committee te do. You, as presi- Gent, have done a fine jeb of picking these committee members. Very cordially yours, FCA:AH Chairman, Club Service Committee