OT Sas February 17, 1943. AN oe = oe a lira. Wayne Replogle, 10 Winona, - Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Replogle: Before Mr. Replogle left the University he had purohased a pair of gym trousers from Ober's, which he \ left here in this office in case any other members of the department whould want to buy then. : , _ He said he would be willing to sell them $5.50. lr. Shenk has decided to take them and enclosing his cheek for 35.50, made out to yous Replogle asked me to get in touch with you when trousers were disposed of. Sincerely, Secretary to Dr. Forrest C. Allen. Union Station, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Walt: X looked for you last afternoon, but not finding you I fould two swell gentlemen who did a great I just want you to lmow that we do appreciate the fine service that your firm puts out, whether in Kansas City or St. Louis. With all good wishes fér a very prosperous 1943, I am | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAAH - | Varsity Basketball Coach. danuary 7, 1945. lr. ) Ae Reist, Willmerding, Pa. Dear: Priend Reists: It was good to have a visit with you on our way to Ste Louis, but for the life of me I camot think what I promised to send you. I should have made the notation but ust wrote down your name, and some way it has slipped my mind. I know that it was not Neal a ee because you decided otherwise. : : Won't you write me and tell me what I was supposed to do for you? With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physicel Biucation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 4, 1945. Reserve Officers Training Corps, University of Kansas. Gentlemen: Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. a UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DIVISION OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS LAWRENCE, KANSAS The Reserve Officers Training Corps f the University cof Kansas at at their Barbecue on THURSDAY, the SEVENTH of JANUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FORTY-THREE to be held in the Community Building Bleventh and Massachusetts Streets Chow line forms promptly at 6;30 p.m., otclock REPLY REQUESTED Jamary 4, 1943. I have just returned from my trip East, and em making this tho first order of business. Assuring you that it is e pleasure to be of any service to you, I am ; Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduoation, POAAH | Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuary 4, 1943. ii. Fred Ellsworth, Secretary, Alumi Association. Dear Fred: Mr. F. Me Rogers, of Wellington, wrote me for four tickets to the game at Norman on Saturday night. I am asking Harold Keith to get them for hin. Just wanted you te know we are giving our alumi every consideration. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. Jormery 4, 1943. @ chook for $10.00 from Mr. Varsity Basketball coach. Very cordially yours, very much seate He will Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter, Director of Physical Education, Hormean, Pear Harold: He four they the you I ew Athletic Department, University of Cklahom, I om Rogers, > thakets Hise mey not a best you » who 21 hold oo ~ Mr. Rogers PCA: AH IVAN D. ROGERSI938) F.M. ROGERS LAWYERS WELLINGTON, KANSAS January 2, 1945. pr. Forrest C. Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear=Phog:- We have two boys who are extreme basketball fans and ardent followers of the K. U. team. We want to see your team trim the Oklahoma outfit Saturday night. Enclosed is check for $10.00. Can you get us four tickets for the game at Norman the 9th? It is possible that we cannot get there early so would like to have reserve seats. However, if reserve seats are not available send us the others. If you do not have tickets, will you kindly tell us where we can get them? We will appreciate your courtesy and enclose stamped envelope for your convenience. Sincerely yours, FMR/r me = Mae OS 2 ; ; ig ee ia. 743. a ese {eee ; oe “epee . ’ ‘ . . * , ¢ . : ¢ ee | pee i agi as. ieee . . : s ¢ oe : a a a o SS : | | | i iain isos i Supplementary material, Lawrence, page 1 Section A of Supplementary material--I of PWA Form No, WS-2<, Page 2 of 3 pages I, Description of services to be provided: a. By whom administered; The funds asked for by the city council of Lawrence, Kansas, in the application to which this supplementary material is attached are to be delegated to the use of the mayor's committee on recreation. Said committee is composed of four members selected from the city council and three non-council members; the mayor is an ex-officio member of the recreation committee and votes on all recommendations, The recreation committee is authorized to plan, organize, and carry out a city-wide recreation program on a year~ round basis, utilizing therefor all available city facilities; parks, Community building, etc.; said committee is directly responsible to the city council and its funds-- exclusive of small gifts made for specific festivities from time to time-- are disbursed by the city clerk, The application herewith submitted is made by the city council, and any funds granted as a result of said application will be allocated solely to recreation byt will be administered by the city officials through the regularly authorized channels provided by statute and by city ordinance, 7 b, Emergency resulting from the liquidfgation of WPA: The funds requested in this application would be used to ; replace the services of WPA recreation personnel (ten leaders and ‘ a janitor, whose combined salary figures total $10,281.60 annually, plus the services of a trained director); to provide urgently needed leadership in parks and regional playgrounds in the city; and to permit the use of Community building facilities and parks for longer hours to meet the sharply increased demand for recreation brought about by the Sunflower Ordnance Works construction and operation near the city and by the establishment of a Civilian Pilot Training base and a Naval Training School for machinists mates in the city. : c. Extension of estisting services: The contemplated program does not represent additions nor : innovations; it provides only for an extension of the services now j prevailing, ie. additional hours of operation for the Community building and park facilities throughout the city to meet the greatly increased need. d. Computation of estimates; The figures in said application have been estimated as representing the minimum amounts which, supplemented by the maximum volunteer leadership available, will approach an adequate recreation organization for a city-wide program for Lawrence for the duration of the war emergency. Provision is made (itemized in body of application) for the services of a full-time director to replace the one employed by WPA now serving, and of an assistant director, The leadership hours item is barely adequate to guarantee one paid employee in charge of leadership and city property at any given hours it is hoped that sufficient volunteer leadership can be secured to make possible a reasonably adequate program, and that participants will assume some responsibility for cooperative planning of activities. The services of custodians and attendants in the parks is considered essential to efficient administration of the recreation program and constitute a legitimate claim upon its budget, Sid aseeee A eo Supplementary material, Lawrence, page 2 e, Community aspects of recreation program; In the opinion of the recreation committee, it is thought to be imperative that a community recreation program be preserved. The city program has been déveloped as a logical outgrowth and an expansion of the summer program for school children sponsored by the local branch of the American Association of University Women, by the Parent Teacher Council, and by the Board of Education, The fact that the city of Lawrence has only recently become aware of its civic responsibility for maintenance of a recreation program (the mayor's committee was appointed less than two years ago) has a very decided social significance; an interruption of community planning. for an interval would seriously retard progress, At present there is no legislation enabling the imposition of a mill tax for recreation purposes and, until such legislation can be secured, the only legal available source of funds other than park maintenance is a small sum allocated for the purchase of capital equipment and for the ‘Maintenance of recreation facilities now owned by the city. It is not an insignificant fact, from a éommunity point of view, that the non-council members of the mayor's committee are all three members of the executive committee of the recreation council which administers the summer program for school childrens (1) the director of the program the first summer and an active advisor since that time; (2) a member of the Board of Education, a man whose hel has been invaluable and whose civic vision is unquestioned; and (3) the chairman of the executive committee, The advisory members are, in addition to the incumbent city recreation director, the superin- tendent of schools and the head of the Univ. of Kansas physical education department, The personnel was chosen with the deliberate intention of coordinating the efforts of all groups concerned for and interested in the development of a well-rounded recreation program, The wisdom of the choice was evident when, without duplication of effort or financial outlay, all groups cooperated in providing rec- reation facilities during the summer months just passed and in organizing a successful program for the service men after plans were announced for the establishment of the naval training unit, It would | be short-sighted to disregard the possibilities for coordinated effort which now exist. f. Available facilities; Although Lawrence is now faced with the problem of provi- ding recreation for large numbers of new people, the majority of whom are active young adults, their widely varying recreational interests ean be met fairly well with available facilities, The city owns a Community building which lends itself admirably to recreation needs, since it has a large basemeht game room, and an auditorium with a stage, a well equipped kitchen, and an archery and rifle range; the auditorium serves as a gymnasium or ball room as oceasion demands, At present the building's use is also extended to the rationing board, the CPT, Home Guard, draft board, Red Cross, Bundles for America and similar groups, but recreation activities have had ample space to date. Park space, approximately 40 acres, is not adequate, but the colored population has its own ball park and there is also a lighted diamond in both the north and south sections of the city. Each of the six elementary schools has ample play space and excellent equipment. ( A special section on Board of Education contacts is attached-- See Section AA). : Supplementary material, Lawrence, page 3 g. Volunteer personnel; cl Lawrence is particularly fortunate in its potential and now active supply of volunteer workers in recreation, Chairmen of the sub-committees and the committee personnel have been chosen on the same basis as have the members of the mayorts committee, and their excellent work to date has furnished an outstanding example of the possibilities for efficient volunteer leadership, One of the major planning committees is headed by the director of the AAUW Children's Theater and also a member of the executive committee of the reereation councils another is the wife of the secretary of the chamber of commerce, a woman of marked ability and many civic duties; another is the mother of three sons, all of whom are in the United States Navy; another is the wife of an administrative officer of the university, whose work with the younger women has been exceptional; another is a young business man who gives his time most generously to many civic duties, All have given endless hours of devoted service, and will continue to do sos3 but they are civic-minded citizens who serve in many capacities and can not be expeeted to surrender all other avenues of usefullness to recreation; these volunteer "admin- istrators" deserve an efficient paid personnel to execute their plans. The supply of leaders for supervisory work is problematical, The ordnance plant is already employing many of the people who, under normal conditions, would be available, Provision of nursery school facilities for children of employed mothers must have its quota of able volunteerss Red Cross rightly uses the available hours of many women; and both men and women are giving generously of their time to the rationing boards, Recreation can count on the consistent and full—time volunteer service of only a relatively few people ander existing conditions, . h,. Funds now available; The only city funds now available for recreation expenditures are those for maintenance of the parks and Community building, The sum of $1,000 is allocated specifically for recreation, but even its use is legally limited to items of maintenance and the purchase of permanent or "capital" equipment. If special enabling legislation can be secured during the 1943 session of the legislature (Kansas), a tax levy of one mili would produce approximately $16,500 under the present valuation, All expendable equipment, program supplies, and incidental | expense have been met from gifts and loans of indivisuals and organi- zations in the citys; much of the expendable equipment now in use is the property of WPA, As a result of this type of financing, long- range planning has been eee an undue amount of interest and energy has been expended on solicitation of funds for the current weekly or monthly need, and budget control and planning have been lacking, Such an insecure financial system can, and undoubtedly will, lessen the effectiveness of the recreation program and finally alienate the able volunteer planners now functioning, : Supplementary material, Lawrence, page 4 Supplementary material- Section B IV. War Justification; b, Effect of such activities upon the existing services and the need for additional services: Lawrence has experienced a sudden and almost overwhelming population influx during the last few months, an influx due solely and directly to the war effort, A town of less than 15,000 in 1940, the population of Lawrence is now reliably estimated to be well in excess of 24,000, Enrollment in the public schools of the city has increased from 2,701 in May 1942 to 3457 in November 1942, figures which indicate that large numbers of family groups constitute part of the influx, The new people, the majority of whom are active young adults in need of liesure time activities, are from two major sources; (1)The Sunflower Ordnance Works, which is located only a few miles from Lawrence; the plant site's location between two small villages results in a large percentage of the workers and administrative personnel living within the city limits of Lawrence, And (2) Serwige men, A Naval Training School for machinists mates is maintained at the University of Kansas; there are about 800 trainees at present, and the number will q be increased in the near future, The university also : offers special training courses for the various services, 4 and the program will be extended thaterially. A Civilian t Pilot Training unit is in operation at the municipal air- 2 port. The number of transient service men is large; Lawrence is én the main east and west trunk lines of the Santa Fe, the tion Pacific, and the Rock Island railways; Fort Riley, Fort Leavenworth, the Bomber Tactival Training Base at Topeka, the Naval Flight Training Base at Olathe, and the large camp recently located at Salina are all within "visiting" distance, Even a complete listing ofall commercial and non-commercial facilities for recreation makes apparent the urgency of the need for maximum use, Commercial facilities for recreation, in addition to restaurants and taverns, include two excellent and two fair movie houses, one roller skating rink, pool, billiards, and bowling in the downtown ets all are well regulated and charge moderate prices. There is an excellent golf course at the country club, where non- members may play for a moderate greens fee, but it is not near enough the town proper to eliminate transportation problems. The same holds true for a gun club and a driving range south of the city. Although the university has a good small golf course, no substantial use could be made of it since the navy trainees are quartered on the campus. The one swimming pool is located at the extreme west edge of the city. The only well-kept temnis courts are on university property, but their use is not limited to students; the city does not maintain municipal tennis courts, but several private and semi-private ones in fair repair could be reconditioned if money were available. At the present time, by utilizing all volunteer services, WPA leadérship, gifts of local donors, and city funds, Lawrence is barely able to scratch the surface of an adequate recreation program, We need a materially expanded program which will provide liesure-—time activity for our newly acquired population and for our own citizens. Supplementary material,Lawrence, page 5 ‘Supplementary material—- Section C : IV. (¢).Manner in which the war effort is or may be impeded by lack of sufficient service, People living in congested areas and under conditions made abnormal by war industries and troop concentrations suffer both physically and mentally if deprived of adequate facilities for iiesure-time activities, The statement applies not only to the personnel employed in the war industries and to the men in uniform; it is equally applicable to the civilian population which, handicapped by increased social and financial responsibilities,and by radically changed habits of living, serves the needs of those special groups. The list of available commercial and non-commercial facilities for recreation in Lawrence discloses the fact that all must have maximum use if social controls are to operate, Maximum use can be achieved only by careful planning and ample leadership, by judicious spending for equipment and its repair and care, and by making certain activities self-supporting on a fee basis when funds are not obtainable otherwise, A recreation program, however, which is wholly self-supporting is seldom successful and never a very gracious one, Local schools, churches, and civic groups are waking every effort to help meet the emergency, and the university officials are more than willing to cooperate in every wa y possible, But, in the final analysis, the majtor responsibility rests upon the city | government, The morale of the service men, the ordnance workers and civilians will depend in no small measure on the degree to which all can be enabled to live as effective citizens of the community, whether their residence is temporarp or permanent in character, Supplementary material-- Section D,. IV. (e) Recreation facilities for negroes; With the withdrawal of WPA on January 25, 1943, the city will be foreed to close the two colored centers now maintained unless funds for their continuance ean be secured, One center is held in Lincoln school, the only separate elementary school for colored children in the city. A second center, near the center of the city, has been housed in part of a building rented by the county commissioners 60 clock hours of leadership each week have been given these centers by WPA employees, Since the last census showed that the colored people constitute 10.2% of the population of Lawrence, it is imperative to provide facilities for their use and assign adequate leadership, If responsible leadership can be provided, the school center can be continued; it would help materially even if a second center is not possible, There is a large gym, kitchen facilities, and ample play space surrounds the building, Space for a second center or for special festivities will have to be rented or otherwise provid ed, since the county commissioners are not renewing their lease which expires January 1, 1943, | Hour schedule used at present-— WPA leadership Community Building, weekly total of 309 hrs, exclusive of Miss Santee Game room Weekly hours Monday through Friday 3 pm.-1l pm, 8 hr.5 da, 40 Saturday (service men) 1 pm.-1 am, 12 hr.1 da. 12 60 hrs, Sunday (service men) 2 pm,-8 pm, 6 hr,1 da, 6 Thursday (extra for women's party, SOW) oe Ball r@om and gymnasium : (occupied by Home Guard Monday night, CPT Tuesday night) Mon, and Tues. 3 pm.-5 pm. 2 hr, 2 da, 4 Wed, Thur, Fri. 3 pm,-i1l pm. 8 hr, 3 da, 24 Saturday:sgym use 1 pm.=6 pm, 5 hr. 1 da, & 40 hrs. " service ments dance 6 pm,-i am. 7 hr, lda, 7 Weaving room Monday through Friday, 9 am.~12; 1 pm.-4 pm. 6 hr,&dad0 50 hrs Office clerk . Monday through Friday,9 am.-12; 1 pm.-11 pm,15 hrs.5 da, 6 Saturday 9 amy-1 am, 16 hrs, 1 da, 16\69 hrs Janitor service 60-90 hrs adjusted to need : 9 ( janitor plus help of two women) 90 hrs Total of 308 hrs, Colored centers; Lineoln school ae we adjusted ) 30 hrs, , Turner Hall - " " 50 hrs, 60 hrs ' WPA weekly total S69 hrs To facilitate computation, all hours have been estimated at ,50 an hr, Certain savings can be made within that figure, and the surplus can be used to accumulate park leadership during the good weather months, or to provide extra help when needed, These figures provide for the services of one person in charge of a floor or the office at any given hour of the days preparation for, or policing after, a large party requires extra help not only from the custodial angle but also from the people in charge of planning and equipment. For example, assuming that the janitor work of approximately 90 hours weekly can be handled by a man at $75 a ae a woman at $60 a month, the $45 a month margin between their 5 and the hourly com utation of $180 a month can be used as suggested, The same elasticity can be secured in the budget for office help if an efficient girl can be found who will give in exeess of 50 hrs, weekly for $100 a month, The prevailing wage rate does not justify our counting too heavily off these possible savings providing us with the necessary aoe beyong one person for each assignments; it is more than likely that we shall need more help rather than less as participation is intreasing rapidly. Original figures for adequate program Revised for minimum program Director $3,000 - $3,000 Recreation supervisors (2) 3,600. (1) 1200 Secretary, clerk 1,320 tyS20 omitted 84 weekly hrs,clerical 1,820 _———<- omitted 410 weekly hrs. C,B, leade. 810,660 combined 9,620 500 weekly hrs. for parks — 7,000 underone Program expense and inci, 000 or . By000 2 janitors C,B, 1,800 omitted 2 park attendants 1,800 } a no C.B, utilities 200 . igures a 35,500 164520 devote their full time to plans for Sunflower personnel and for cooperation with school officials in the organization of regional play centers, the revised figures are submitted for approval of the city council, Having been assured that the city schools could make supplementary application (following approval of their original) for funds to provide leadership for before and after school hours, the item for regional playground and park supervision has been tmitted from our estimate, If at all possible, howevery 1,000 leadership hours, $500, should be added to the reduced budget to make possible some supervision specifically assigned to parks; the original plan was to combine the park supervision with regional playgrounds, using the services of one assistant director or recreation supervisor to their vs te and to the organization of North Lawrence as a model neighborhood or community center, ‘The reduced figures provide for janitor service only for the Community building for those hours during which the space is used for recreation purposes, far cleaning after such use and preparation therefor, The park attendants, whose inclusion seemed highly desirable, have been eliminated, Such suppleméntary janitor service is covered under the general heading of "leadership hours" in order to give sufficient elastieity to assignment of duties of available workers, It is thought likely that, exclusive of the director, asst. director, and office stenographer-clerk, the workers will have to be hired.on an hourly basis, since trained recreation leaders are difficult to obtain when the competition for their services is keen, The Lawrence program is more fortunate than are those of many localities in that several trained or experienced women are living in town and university students in the process of training for such work could be secured by the hour, The leadership item as it stands does not provide for any extended program in the Community building nor in the parks, but it does mean that the gym, the game room, the office, and the service ments rogram will have supervisory personnel, and that the colored people will have continued leadership. Supervision of the weaving project is included for 30 hours a week, and office and clerical help is carried under the leadership item, Any éxpansion of the program beyond its present hourly operation is dependent upon two potentialities; the extent to which the program can be made self-supporting, and the amount of volunteer leadership that is available. A third possibility is that we may be able to secure some reliable leaders on an hourly basis for less than 50 an hour, but the "going rate" makes it unlikely. Many activities, especially those for Sunflower employees whose number includes many organizers and leaders and who are more than willing to contribute their share of the financial burden, can be almost self-supporting. Comunity Btiy RAO GN fe N ov. Dec 2 ei reek & . $ 2 = re- meal o— se =. ' — , —o -\dyes \urdusive CinAndcs tts a tall sem)ice Uncen) BAG | Dorr Sen 9 ae: \f-33 4 Vwi ve | ; lwo 4 , a2 1\ Ao? over AS MEO |. : : ae 4 90% 3G Watde a a ee Kemet Ler ea | ) \or.s tole’) oS | Speelat ors | : isecnisi aio ‘ 3 a 2 : Pest : spurts ¢ atG\eA\es ie : : , "(aK | A346 \ioa a eo ee is Seton MSD AAS rec atts pe oe | see | \aa" Se 3% sis iced ddianianit: hieaine.. a B Creadt fon, SO. QV . | i = ee 9S eeorwnnes. = S wielee CA Syed cadena al 3 iao ake \So_ » Da. WA GVW > tao ow iw Se Wen 's Drahiy' ‘ a | | a Var. 14 ate S$ Vow, $ we Dec. D Aso Dee. be iat 4 ee el. ee ee Se M a | | ee ». i 205 d * 23 aS *« 44 oo 3 es e Y ; 5 2. a ee at 24 4 a Rk Jas ee Res oe ae ae Bie 1h. den 4 “ine ee Bet es Dee ie : : lk ; 2 a , ” mapas hare +\ —— \ oma 4% 40d ee OE Jaguery 15, 1942. Dr. Lawrence Rarick, Department of Physical Education, Boston University, 84 Exeter Street, Boston, Mass. Dear Dr. Rarick: Thank you very much for sending a copy of the summary of your questionnaire concerning physical education programs. I have referred it to members of our depart-— ment and wé have found it very interesting and informative. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. - Boston UNIVERSITY " ScHOOL OF EDUCATION 84 EXETER STREET BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS December 22, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Alien: Thank you for mailing to me a copy of your testing program. I can see from it that you must be doing an excellent piece of work at Kansas University. I am enclosing the summary of the questionnaire which you filled out a few weeks ago. Very truly yours ee A aeek Lawrence Rarick Asst. Professor of Physical Education ir/k enc. SULMARY OF QUESTIONNAIRE ON COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRALMS Lawrence Rarick School of Education Boston University The following is a summary of the 73 questionnaires returned out of the 101 sent to selected colleges and universities throughout the United States,. In some cases all the questions in the questionnaire were not answered there- by making an apparent but not a real discrepancy on the calculated totals and percentages, The following summary, I believe, gives a fairly complete picture of the major changes in the programs of these institutions.and may well be typical of the general trends in most colleges and universities. 1. How many semesters of physical education are required for graduation? In 1942-43 The median requirement in 1941-42 was 4 semester hours, the median required has increased to 6 semester hours. TABLE I, Semesters of Physical Education Required for Graduation, Pér eent Requiring ‘Per cent Requiring Semesters | 1941-42 Pb hlehe 1942-13 P.Be-l9h2-43 8 a Aahf , Ae boa th Q 200 a Lekd. 6 h ——— 5 Jake 2 1 dae 2 200 Ly 2. | 46,20 a 31.41 a L 1.48 0 200 2 19 28,420 2 12.82 4 Q : a QQ Q 200 OQ. 8 11,90 > 1.43 2. How many hours of physical education activity are required each week? The following table shows a considerable increase in time alloted per week in the 1942-43 requirements at the freshmen, sophomore, junior, and senior years over the preceding year, is also somewhat higher at each grade level, The average time allotment Table II gives a com- parison of the hours of activity required per week as shown by the number of institutions requiring the amount indicated, Table Iil shows the median and average weekly requirement at each grade level, TABLE II Hours of Physical Edweation Activity Required Each Week by Institutions METIS EE ay oe ROSES US oii, Sénior Week ae Merh3 . Wleh2 U2Wh3 boo “b2ek2_ Beh? s del 3:: — os io oe ee Q 0 : . 2 i 6 — oe ae ae ae eo Fe 0 a 0 RS - : 0 3 / inet eo ot ee el 2 27 Bila nsuciissrqyslelpoc iin iuetiloe 3 19 scissile 2 as la 20 iO... 2 6 1 6 1 ae Z endl i Q Q >. Q 0 8 2 a y 60 29 65 22 TABLE III Median and Average Physical Education Requirement P Freshman Sophomore “Junior Senior 41-h2 he-),3 Lla-h2 h2-h3 lehe Le— bl=h2 b2-h3 3 ‘ Median | 2.hrg| 3 hrs|_ “2 hrs| 3 hrs | 0 2.5 hrs | 0 | 2 hrs Average {2.33 hrs 3,07 hrs{1,60 hrs {3,02 hrs 0,40 hrs} 2,01 nrsl 22 hrs, {1,8 hrs 3, Approximate percentage of time given to various types of activities is shown by TABLE IV Individua pparative : Other Year Galisthenics|Team Sports} Sports Pombati ell Timbling {Acquatics|Activities Dit hl 29413 2b Beads layla 9.05 [9489 15435 Quh2 1 3B oo 22.17 2406 7 jbo 1 ee? eS 2,83 As is shown by the above table the 1942-43 programs on the average place more emphasis’ than formerly on calisthenics, combative activities, apparatus and tumbling, and acquatics; somewhat less emphasis is given to team sports and individual sports, he Do you have a group of required activities? Of the 69 institutions answering the question 33 or 47.8% indicated that they had required activities in 1941-42 or that students must pass a proficiency examination to satisfy the requirements, For the school year 1942-43, 54 of the 72 schools answering or 75% gave a positive reply to the question of required activities. 3 ian SERGI Fi Nit 1941-42 School Year yes ~ 33 or 478% , yes - 54 or 75% no ~ 36 or 5242% no - 1g or 25% ACTIVITIES MOST COMMONLY REQUIRED — ming - 18 or 26.1% Swimming + 33 or 1508% Combatives 7 or 11,3% Combatives 17 or 23.6% Obstacle lh or 19.4% 5« ‘Testing Program a, Do you use a testing program other than medieal examinations? TAPEY V Institutions With A Pesting Program be Cs What Tests are Given? A wide varity of tests are in use with no single test predominating, Many institutions are using tests or modifications of tests that are in use in the navy, army air corps, and navy pre-flight training cen= ters, Ths most commonly used test elements in the various battersof tests are pull-ups and floor push-ups, Twenty-three institutions indicated that pull-ups and push-ups formed a part of their test batteries, The time on the obstacle course was used by five univer-— sities as a test of physical conditions What use is made of test results? USE MADE OF TESTS NUMBER OF INSTITUTIONS Grading -«---<«-8# 3 - ++ 6 eee eo eee 17 Clpesifichtion « - - e+ sewn ewe ow wd Motivation ------+-+---++-+-+-+-+-+ * ~18 Measuring Individual Progress - - - - - - - - 23 Wi a eee ttn eon eh xd 6. Does participation in varsity athletics substitute for the physical edu- cation requirements? i TABLE VI Athletic Participation and Physical Education Requirement ment? Varsity Athletics 1941-2 Per | 1902-13 Per Substitute for P.E.? Number of |. Cent Number of Cent Tnstitutions r Tnstitutions Yes bd 70 Ld 698 No 7 11 a 1h 5 In Season 9 Lis 3 3 1539 In Part 3 2 hw! h | 548 No Answer 10 3 h a 7, Does intramural participation substitute for the physical education require- TABLE VII Intramural Participation and Physical Education Requirement Se wiaiiel iad i L9H) -Af2 aoe /GHUAZ nao Number” or Ce Nonber of — Cl Substitute for P.i. Institutions cent Institutions eent Yes 9 13.8 5 Tel No 5h 83,1 63 90,0) In Part 2 Sas. 2 wae ge cna No Answer 8 3 What change has there been over the past year in relation to size of full time instructional staff and the number of students served in required physical education activities? The 54 schools making an estimate of the students served in required phy- sical education estimated a net increase of 17,105 students in 1942-45 over the 1941-42 school year. the same period of time in the 62 schoolsreplying. © TABLE VIII Relative Change of Staff to Student Mrollment There was a net loss of’ 26 instructors during a Number with increased.staff 9 14.65 Increased Enrollment 35 64.8% Number with decreased staff 20 32.2% : Decreased Enrollment 5 943% Number with no change 33 53,3% No change a yy er rer ner Ee re ee ae ot _ TABLE IX Percentage of Male College Students by Schools in Required Physic21 Education Activities Percentage of “Number of idl A or. Number of fF HS oa ort lenin P.H, | Institutions | Institutions | Institutions _ institutions 100 | ee te 2 | Shel go-99 | 2 st . 187 60 = 79 — 26,3 c + oo oo 2 uh 2lia6 [f+ 20 - 39 _ - a ee Ee oe 2: 642 0 > 6 8 oe 6 ee he? 9. Is provision made for an individual corrective program and what percentage of the men in physical education are served?. TABLE X Individual Corrective Program 1 3 1G Af/-ae 19 ajt *4Z Provision for Number of Per Gent of Number of Per Cent 6 Corrective Program } Institutions | Institutions | Institutions | Institutions yw ee tes 2h mo 23 nhl No an 18.2 15 | 2240 In 1941-42 14.7% of the students in the physical education programs covered by this survey were served by corrective physical education or by an adaptive program and in 1942-13 this was increased to 5,3% 10, Have you a definite program to improve physical fitness of those below par? The replies to this question were naturally based upon the directors subjective opinions of what constitutes a program to improve physical fitness and whether or not the director feels that his program fits the criterion which he thinks is adequate, The programs as outlined therefore varied to quite a large de- gree according. to an institution's views relative to the factors essential for improving physical fitness, In summing up, however, the majority emphasize phy- sical examination, correction of.remedial defects, conditioning activities with a gradual increase in dosage, and activities involving a marked degree of aggressiveness, Of the 7. colleges and universities responding to this question 52 or 75.8% feel they have a definite program to improve physical fitness while 17 or 24,2% have no such program,