Hour schedule used at present-— WPA leadership Community Building, weekly total of 309 hrs, exclusive of Miss Santee Game room Weekly hours Monday through Friday 3 pm.-1l pm, 8 hr.5 da, 40 Saturday (service men) 1 pm.-1 am, 12 hr.1 da. 12 60 hrs, Sunday (service men) 2 pm,-8 pm, 6 hr,1 da, 6 Thursday (extra for women's party, SOW) oe Ball r@om and gymnasium : (occupied by Home Guard Monday night, CPT Tuesday night) Mon, and Tues. 3 pm.-5 pm. 2 hr, 2 da, 4 Wed, Thur, Fri. 3 pm,-i1l pm. 8 hr, 3 da, 24 Saturday:sgym use 1 pm.=6 pm, 5 hr. 1 da, & 40 hrs. " service ments dance 6 pm,-i am. 7 hr, lda, 7 Weaving room Monday through Friday, 9 am.~12; 1 pm.-4 pm. 6 hr,&dad0 50 hrs Office clerk . Monday through Friday,9 am.-12; 1 pm.-11 pm,15 hrs.5 da, 6 Saturday 9 amy-1 am, 16 hrs, 1 da, 16\69 hrs Janitor service 60-90 hrs adjusted to need : 9 ( janitor plus help of two women) 90 hrs Total of 308 hrs, Colored centers; Lineoln school ae we adjusted ) 30 hrs, , Turner Hall - " " 50 hrs, 60 hrs ' WPA weekly total S69 hrs To facilitate computation, all hours have been estimated at ,50 an hr, Certain savings can be made within that figure, and the surplus can be used to accumulate park leadership during the good weather months, or to provide extra help when needed, These figures provide for the services of one person in charge of a floor or the office at any given hour of the days preparation for, or policing after, a large party requires extra help not only from the custodial angle but also from the people in charge of planning and equipment. For example, assuming that the janitor work of approximately 90 hours weekly can be handled by a man at $75 a ae a woman at $60 a month, the $45 a month margin between their 5 and the hourly com utation of $180 a month can be used as suggested, The same elasticity can be secured in the budget for office help if an efficient girl can be found who will give in exeess of 50 hrs, weekly for $100 a month, The prevailing wage rate does not justify our counting too heavily off these possible savings providing us with the necessary aoe beyong one person for each assignments; it is more than likely that we shall need more help rather than less as participation is intreasing rapidly.