STATE OF KANSAS ROBERT C. RANKIN S ‘ Se COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS SENATOR FIFTH DISTRICT Z sa? CHAIRMAN RAILROADS s 7 VICE CHAIRMAN EMPLOYEES LAWRENCE, KANSAS SS ES MEMBER ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION = ELECTIONS FEDERAL AND STATE AFFAIRS TOPEKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT MILITARY AFFAIRS PUBLIC UTILITIES SUPERVISION OF JOURNAL SF ATE CHAMBER WAYS AND MEANS Foh &, 194% Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phos; I want to tell you now pleased I am because of your Successful season and extend my congratulations. I have not been able to join in the recognition given y you and the team by our grateful citizens which I know is Sincere and verf pleasing to all concerned. iy work nere has prevented my seeing you personally but I nope to tell you later how proud i am of your great accomplishment. Sincerely yours, Robert C. Rankin