Notes on Mr. Replogle’ 8 talk ” P. &, Instructors, Thursday evening, March 25th; Theory of military - to weed out the meskes and keep the strong. Try to drive out the unfit before they go into service. One of the group inducted lost his mind under the gruelling criticism and exertion. No limit to what the instructors do to week out the weakling and undisciplined person so that the final product will be first class fighting man. Do not respect injury or sickness - weed out the unfit. Get up at 4:15 a.m. At 5:00 a.m. march to huge athletic field. Run around at double time in the dark. Do this for first week. before breakfast. After breakfast go to classes. Teach a lot on welfare, recreation, P. E, _ About 1 out of 10 are sent out to set up a program. Others may stay or go into other work. Replogle was put in Destroyer Escort but still con- tinues work with physical division. Gives exercises without arms, with arms, morning exercises. Give a number of counts, i.e., 16 and stop. Do a number of exercises a few times rather than a few many times. All exercises are numbered. Men count in unison aloud. Try to avoid self- consciousness, In swimming man who can't swim goes in the same as others, Have lost so many men by drowning that a full swimming program is carried out. Have 4 pools, 50 - 100 men at each pool. Classification: a. Must do tests of B and swim $ athe in 20 min, be Must know elementary shrekes, get in small space and swim with 50 men. Swim 42 ft. under water with push off (about all average man can do). Swim 100 ft. with 8 lb. gas pipe held out of water with one hand. Make all the approaches and breaks. Swim 100 ft. and do tired swim back. Take 200 yd. speed swim with 4 strokes back, side, breast, crawl. Swim 440 yds. in 10 min with any strokes. c. Must swim 200 ft. using 4 different strokes, each 50 ft. (el. breast, back, side, crawl). d. Can swim 100 ft. or more. e. Stays above water 5 min. f. Men who can't swim. (None at end of training) Teach men how to undress (wear low dees), kick off shoes; take off pants, tie legs, fill legs with air and make a float of water wings. Mattress covers will support six men when wet. Float on backs because water explosions cause gets to be blown out. Many men were picked up in early battles with guts blown out. Get a lot of Abandon Ship Must know how to get off ship. Ropes and cargo nets hang down sides of ship. . Teach you how to go down ropes with hands and feet. Learn to jump off platforn, with and without clothes, and with life jacket on. Had many broken necks with men who jumped with helmets on, so loosen