UNIVERSITY. OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE WLYSSES FLOYD RUSLE, A, t. A: ARCHTTECT-ENGINEER G:EO RG EB: A EL bS-O:N Associate (HAR OL DA: STO CK LY Mechanical Engineer HAROLD CC. WHIT TLESEY Structural Engineer Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: PALM SPRENGS, CALTFORNEA LTT N. PALM CANYON®DR: - TEL. 7337 May llth, 1943. The genuine welcome extended me by you in your letter received today is, in turn, genuinely appreciated. I felt that one way in which I might testify to that appre- ciation would be to answer you immediately. Of course, I recognize your friendly attempt to build my morale in refering to me as an "expert" golfer, to which I reply that I hope to benefit by the expertness displayed by yourself and Dr. Jay. With such out- standing competentcy available for a goal, I feel justified in promising that I shall endeavor to improve. Thank you for invit- ing me to join your foursome. Both Mrs. Rible and I look forward to our proposed experience and associations with keen enthusiasm. Your warm welcome ampli- fies that enthusiasm. Cordially, R m May 8, 1943. Dear Ur. Rible: While playing golf with Dean J. J. Jakosky the other afternoon he gave me the very happy informtion that you are to be with us on or about July first to serve on his University of Kansas faculty. I want to tell you that I am pleased indeed that you are coming. We will nowhave another golfer with use I am anticipating much pleasure walking over the greenswerd of the Lawrence Coumbry Club with you, J.J.d., and J.J. = the lest J. J. is for Jake Jomes. We hope that you will like this place and I can assure you that we are more than pleased to haves you with us. In celebration of your coming we had a five-inch rain yesterday, so J.J.J. hes seen to it that the golf course will te in perfect shape by the time you arrive. Agein welooming you to our midst, and anticipating the pleasure of chasing that elusive white pellet with you, I am Sincerely yours, & Director of Physical Bducation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuary 21, 19435. Wire Co Se Robinson, Asst. Superintendent of Schools, 900 Locust, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Mre Robinsons We are desirous of seouring 12 copies of “Playtime Activities", for students in ow required courses. Will you kindly send then by return mail? We will send you a money order for the cost upon receipt of your bill. Thanking you, I em Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, FCAsAl | ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. _ dugust 25, 1943. 4 | | | { aoe i \ i \} 4 Professor FP. A. Russell, eel \ School of Engineering. beet \\ Dear Professor Russell: \ \ Thank you so much for bringing the height chart over to us. This is something that we can use to splendid advantage. iI have long wented something such as this and it remined for you and Dean Jakesky to deliver the sane. You will please find enolesed a note of thanks that I have written to Dean Jakosky. I assure you I appreciate your helpful cooperation. Sincerely yours, | 3 Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enoe THE VOICESOF WABASH MEN SINCE 1908 Crawfordsville, Indiana, Friday, July 30, 1943 AL REVIEW S ' Margaret Sheldon Parade Rest, for the 293 Men of the Wabash Navy V-12 Contingent aS Z No. 18 /REPLOGLE COMMENTS ON PERFORMANCE OF NAVY MEN The Wabash College Naval Train- ing Unit held its first practice regi- mental review Saturday at il o’clock. . In the words of Chief Petty Officer Replogle, who was in charge of the review; “Considering the fact that the men of the regiment had re- ceived only three short weeks af training prior to the review, I felt | that they performed very adequately. | Of course as time goes by there will be great improvement in the preci- sion of the regiment’s movements.” _\ Another similar practice review is ' scheduled for a week from tomorrow. Dressed in white T-shirts, white | trousers and white hats the 293 members of the regiment, presented a striking picture against, the back- ground of the college buildings. The six companies marched onto the athletic field and went through their familiar gym exercises which they had been practicing for three weeks. At the next review the com- | mands that were shouted last Satur- day will be sounded by a bugler. At the coming review we can all expect a polished performance from | the regiment which will by that time have had five weeks of marching midable as any combination. Others experience. August 19, 1845. Mr. Le H, Rhodes, Superintendent, Tucumeari Public Schools, - Tucumoari, Hew Mexico. Dear Mr. Rhodes: ZI regret to advise you that due to the scarcity of teacher material and the great emphasis upon winning the war, there is a poverty of available men such as you desire. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, | FCA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. BOARD OF EDUCATION PRINCIPALS W. F. BALL, President H. C. MOREHEAD J. A. GAFF , Vice- i i j i ee Tucumcari Public Schools Prineipal High School fe RNI ° A FEE, MRS. C. E. GAMBLE L. H. RHODES, Superintendent Principal Prat gei School Cc. A. GRAHAM - zs Oo Tucumcari, New Mexico pilings Fas eats Bad August 16, 1943 Athletic Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir* If you know of a man who could handle social science, physical education, and assistant coaching position in high school whom you could recommend I would appreciate your doing so by wire collect. Also ask the candidate to have complete information as to college training in various subject fields, including his athletic record and coaching experienc e, forwarded to me. Tucumcari is a town of about six thousand population, a health- ful climate, good living conditions and teaching environment. We will pay a beginning salary of between $1500 and $1650, depend- ing upon training and experience and family responsibility. Very truly yours, L WK hakes L. H. Rhodes Siperint endent lhr:pd i August 17, 1943. Ur. T. C. Ryther, Director, University Press. Dear Mr. Ryther : Please make up the desk memo pads for Dr. /llen with the slot-drilled holes, as indicated on the enclosed sample. One thousand sheets will be suffi- cient, and I will send you a transfer check on receipt of your statement. Sincerely, Secretary, Dept. of Physical Eduoation. August 16 £946 Mrs. Hulteen (Dr. Allen's Office) Dear Mrs. Hylteens Below is listed the cost of various quantities of desk “emo Pads for Dr. Allen. Since the drilling is an important item, I am listing a price with padding (gummed on the end) as an alternative for drilling. If the drilling is preferred, we would have to drill as indicated by the penciled lines on the open part of the slot. Slot-drilled Padded instead (2-holes) of drilled 1M sheets, 4x6%....... $4.59 $3.75 mm " 6.66 5.36 oF " 7.95 6.48 a * " 9.95 8.10 : We hope we may have the pleasure of producing this job for you. Your sample is returned herewith. Yours very truly, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PRESS By Dheoa © TCR/m Thos. C. Ryther, © SEIS STO RE BUEN eR aa : inieith beac aie tee atid aoe Al but I am etiiety enatan uk oe ede. Since you are a good | psychologist you can logically reason what it Se : I am emxious to see you and have a game of golf with you real soon, but presume that you are as busy as I think Tem. If you get a chance give me a ring and we will try to play. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCALAH Varsity Basketball Conch. = MOONY je be or MAA OATYNYOQOY Dp freeesr ©. ALLEN LinveRsiry CF KANSAS LAWRENCE . KANSAS Y bun bs dy tls fey Luk O simender A ypuit 1943, Pry urge ben unidad s0-TS ra On “Mtg F< Ot Come Prt agp, Lt Bre s Oe Z9ek ‘ het) tot hete on ‘ ¢ ~ Yams fork aan: Js Pet Pammrho v | And lis The. 2 ‘flew # pelivs duty ) Les Hamad, Av LT ty ! F : Pai nq A Ahan tpl 4 nm the oth daughta , 4 thatinrl, ones fe cas 4. bn mia feentne TAY Une wm Ute tikes [4 daw, cand betes Jot Cate d fy, hae mods my A juetn tT Raney Lf, Natt, difhent®. Mr Ach hes Come abet, Me cul Changs, oe pang wd Prd tng lg: Custinecli vk & BOT Cdpcerity ss 1 Cecily fatty el ORS? wT lene ngs dtd Cecatme / ew the vn ‘. tease bt thy ararnaam Of he Catlins) A+ Ach’ J tnghh omy Dnareoas, “ne bith tra the bggeat C47 rt The or the? “unt y Lon ptting fr oct Biot — be flex and a njlase oss Adimt Glue tn Degnificanee Kivmny Aw Abhteact. Dsus 2Pe-b may batt Tice Ml Pm, Bol tag ns tobe Ebr em mce bv ths “™ 8 ihe tO OS ise ‘ ¢ as uta depee, A he but, Then Jeborede RNA raat sau la ctl Son rae bene YD brass : ee penn aillies aoa CULVER SUMMER SCHOOLS CULVER, NDIANA E CULVER SUMMER CAVALRY SCHOOL LAKE MAXINKUCKEE CULVER SCHOOL OF WOODCRAFT LVER Tm CULvER EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION July 28, 1943. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog";: eo” Your several letters of July 20th, and July 2lst, have been received. They were sent out to me from our Headquarters while I was on the river trip with the various organizations. First of all, I want to thank you for your efforts in securing for us another Indian. The summer is about half over now and, we find now that we are put to it, that we can probably struggle through the summer without an Indian. Anyway, thank you very kindly for your fine efforts on our behalf, even if they did not meet with success. Please extend my kindest regards to Mrs. Allen, and the children, and with best wishes to you, and again thanks, I am Sincerely yours, “eG 3h ee Robt. Kossow Colonel, Cav-Res. Director, Woodcraft Camp RRSEO duly 21, 1945 Dear Colonel Rossow: I get in touch with Superintendent Ayers, of Haskell Institute, this morning, since he was out of tom * yesterday, and they are at the bottom of the barrel. There is one boy who might be available, but neither Mr. Ayers nor I eare to recommend him to youe. His name is Raymond Mike, Direotor of Physical Bdueation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. July 20, 1943. your letter of » the if he to ——. take over very scarce, but is @ pleasure to be of any upon touch w Insti for boys told Mr. iecentnans aud ‘Mr. Ayers said men are very; Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Assuring you it he will do the best he cane assistance possible, I an CULVER SUMMER SCHOOLS | CULVER, INDIANA | CULVER SUMMER CAVALRY SCHOOL LAKE MAXINKUCKEE CULVER SCHOOL OF WOODCRAFT Tan CcLvER EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION July 19, 1943. Dr. Forrest V. Allen Kansas University | Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We were unfortunate enough to lose the very fine Indian that you sent us to the draft. He had to report for induction on July 19 and we are now without the services of an Indian. As a matter of fact, it caught me rather by sur- prise, for I did not know that he had become eighteen years of age. = I am wondering if it would be possible for you to contact the Haskell Institute people to see whether we could secure another young Indian - or an old one, for that matter - for the rest of the summer. The camp continues until August 24th. We could pay him $125. cash per month plus room and board. If you can find one for us, just send him on and we will take him on your say-so and judgment. I sincerely hope that everything has been well with you and yours. Please extend my kindest regards to Mrs. Allen ané the children as opportunity offers. Ll am Sincerely yours, JO Se gy ga Robt. Rossow, : Colonel, Cav-Res., RR/o- Director, Woodcraft Camp. July 19, 1943. Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. duly 5, 19453. Mr. William 0. Rice, Herris Trust Company, Chicago, Tllinois. Dear Bill: Your “off again, on again, gone again, Pirmegan" wedding announcement was received by the Allen elen. Reciprocal congratulations to Frances Ann and William 0, Rices May you have a long life of health, -happiness and durable satisfactions. Mrs. Allen and the Allen clan extend their very best wishes for you and yours. Very sincerely yours, ‘Direetor of Physical Education, FCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. Miss F-ances Ann Owings and Mr. William 0. Rice the aisciccath of June Nineteen hundred and forty-three Chicago dune 4, 1943. tire Wayne ?. — Cc. Spe, Quonset Huts, D. %., Crew Commander, Naval Training Station, Norfolk, Va. Dear Billi: ~ I was mighty happy to have your good letter of May 23, and appreciate having Max's address. We will inolude it in ca: tials Sather tx “iw tak. oak of Gace + of you on mailing list. Ps the We have about three hundred boys in ow” physical conditioning this summer, with Hemry, Reg and I doing the teaching. On July first we will have nearly five hundred Naval engineers, and we may possibly have a like mumber of Army engineers. On June 14th the enrollment for the regular eight weeks summer session takes place, and we may get quite a few of those. With this new set up the Navy is going sidan, beak oF legs, but T do believe tie That is the only power that is evident. g We are bringing in Ray Kemehl, of Wichita East High, on daly first. His appointment has not yet been announced, but he will be with us to assist in our conditioning program. Dean Jakosky has resigned, effective August lat. He not only was a great friend of the boys, and of course a fine booster of athletios, but he is one of the outstanding geophysicists of the sountry. With kindest regards, I am ae Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.