October 16, 1941 Dre G. Wilse Robinson, dre Neurological Hospital 27th and the Paseo Dear Brother Robinson, Before Bob left for Pennsylvania he handed me your letter to him dated Sept. 4. He seemed to appreciate very much your writing him, and I em writing you thanking you for your thoughtfulness end kindness in doing 50. Yrs. Allen and I received a. letter from Bob to the effect that he is more than pleased with his set-up at Penn. He is working hard, but is happy and I am sure that if he continues in good health he will make a fair success in his medical studies. ; Eleanor is also enrolled at Pemsylvanis. She warited to get away from home , and queer as it may seem, she's enjoying it very much. Bob and Bleanor have spent several week~ends - Ad Thanking you for your kindness in writing Bob and hoping to see you at some of the football games IT am Praternally yours, | Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation FCA/pE Varsity Basketball Coach