SIGMA PHL EPSILON 43 QUID TERRACE |ANRENCE, KAGAS Dear Dr. Allen: This letter comes to you from a boy whe has participated little in athletics, but who has come to appreciate what sports really mean. I want to thank you for that appre- clation. T feel that you are building an everlasting tribute to yourself all over the United States, and especially at K.U. I have had the pleasure of knowing a good many of your boys, and every one of them was a clean sportsman. What's more, there is not a one of those boys who would permit a careless remark to be made about you. I have seen you go to bat for one of your boys and to take his part when others were willing to let him down. That's really sportsmanship in its richest connotation. I know of no other man who has made it possible for so many fine boys tO go to A, Ua. All this may sound a little sentimental, but it comes straight from the heart. While I have never had the pleasure of knowing you intimately, I feel that in my last year in the University I came to know you through such boys as Kresie and Bob Johnson, and of course, your own boy in the law school. Now as I leave Lawrence I feel that I can say these things. The best of luck to you in all your wdertakings. And may the future bring you a sense cf satisfaction in knowing that you're doing a tremendous jcb and dcing it well. Sincerely, Nik Utfcthas Karl Ruppenthal