EDITORIAL ROOMS COUNTRY GENTLEMAN AMERICA’S FOREMOST RURAL MAGAZINE BEN HIBBS EDITOR THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY INDEPENDENCE SQUARE + PHILADELPHIA Thursday Dear Phog:- We are eagerly awaiting your arrival -- though we know your mind is on Fordham. Give them the works! But save something for Temple here. Phog, your timing is OK. Your train gets in here at 5:38 or thereabouts on Sunday. Will you get off the New York train at our Thirtieth Street Station. I'll meet you there and we all can catch a Swarthmore train about 6:00 o'clock. Bill Stetson probably will be with me. We'll pilot you from there on. I think the Fieldhouse idea is OK for a light workout before your dinner at Strath Haven Inn, but Bill was worrying a bit for fear that some repair work might hinder use of the floor at the Field House. But I think it is all OK -- you can work out in my living room if the Fieldhouse floor is torn up. Helen had a lovely letter from Mrs. Allen, she is looking forward to seeing you all. Remember-- Thirtieth Street Station! If you need to get in touch with me, the home address is 224 North Swarthmore Avenue, Telephone Swarthmore 2061. Or I'll be at my office every day. Exrex We'll be seeing you -- Bill Stetson sure does want to talk basketball with you. Best a fk