April 24, 1942 Major Wm. J. Clinch Galf Coast Air Corps Training Center Randolph Field, Texas My dear Mr. Clinch: I have your letter of April 18 asking us to help you secure applications from qualified young men for positions as assistant directors of physical training at the various air fields in the Gulf Coast Air Corps Training Center. The University of Kansas will be happy indeed to bring these employment opportunities to the attention of young men who possess the qualifications listed in your ( er letter. ae’ NY. ee Ug Be oe I am turning your letter over to Dr. F. 6. Allen, by LAs Ga chairman of our Department of Physical Bducation, who gp? yey” will be glad to cooperate with you in every possible way. © ee YY} ANT oF Coes a Phank you very much for bringing these positions \A4 ae fh V a to our attention. : tw Sincerely yours, R Deane W. Malott, Chancellor