February 7, 1942. Mre Roy ani, Editor, The Kensas City Star, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Roy: I want to take this means of thanking the Kansas City Star for the wonderful publicity and encour- agement given the University of Kansas and our Athletic Association comperning the Great Lakes ~- Kensas basket~ ball game played last Thursday, February 5, in Mmicipal Auditorium. Without your wonderful publicity I am sure that we would have had a mere handful because the weather end everything was against us. In spite of all these serious drawbacks which confront such a situation, your paper did such a fine job of it that we had a tremendous crowd. I have never geen such a crowd under such discouraging circumstances. [ have written to Mec and thanked him and the boys on the sport desk for their untiring efforts in boosting this attractions For weeks I have personal letter of well wishes when I read of your append- ectomy. IT put it off like I it was too late. However, I did npg tls lays very closely and was delighted to learn of your spiendid recovery due, doubtless, to your fine physical condition and of course expert medical attention. I am glad that you are back on the job and wish for you and yours continued success and prosperity. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.