July 18, 1942, lr. Wayne Replogle, Cea “L: u ca nl My ein bas ii Wt ad i i Hit aye nll! i? ik 4 ut we eae if : ! deny i fit uy ntti iy Of Fauninyivenie. are starting om a year-round basis » tut it is will finish earlier morning They Of sourse, he the health of the young men and on the pocketbook of awfully morn= win, for the Universi: ; ie pat i. I 2 bai Deb left this Anyhow, wo will be glad to see you when you get back. It's a tough go~ , With all good wishes, I an Director of Plysical Bducation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. June 27, 1942. ancy Se | Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH | . Varsity Basketball Coathe June 25, 1942.. Mr. T. Co Ryther, University Press. — Dear Mickie: For your information I wish to report that the Department of Physical Education has sent 180 pounds of old rubber for salvage. We are glad to cooperate in this economy program. / Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Besketball Coach. ee aoe ah Now fark, NY. pt ayn 1 addit-~ 93- 7% Qe 1, Ree Hiool. es § Rowe on apatiningt June 20, 1942. | tir. Roy Roberts, The Kansas City Star, _ ~Kansas Citys Qe Dear Roy: . This is to confirm our phone conversation of last Monday morning. a isk Se eee ys met See ee ee be ‘yuh d lave tah test. tein Ge Selb, bod 2 ? en sure that I will before long. ‘Thanke a million. ~ Sincerely yours, \ : ) Direstor of Physical Education, PCA:AH cn . Varsity Basketball Coach. June 18, 1942. Mr. T. C. Ryther, Pirester, University of Kansas Press. Dear Mickie: _ Thank you for your letter of June 15th informing us of your special rate on printing orders placed prior to July 15th. At the present time we have no erders to be placed, but shall keep in mind your availability. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Ceach. ee Bat eer rs . sree at aes “ - 3 i “i y seis fal) ee ‘ ! : : Be A 7a: ON seh nae ER is : us cre Sa Sst b a mT = University of Kansas Press Lop ORR Meek ~ K A. N SS A-S June 15, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen Physical Education Dear Dr. Allen: Last summer the University Press inaugurated a plan of offering a 10% discount on all printing orders placed early in the summer for fall delivery-a plan designed to help keep our presses busy during the summer and to assist the various schools and departments of the University in making their printing dol- lars reach as far as possible. A similar offer is made again this summer. On all orders placed prior to July 15, for delivery between August 15 and Sep- tember 1, a 10% discount will be allowed-paper stock excepted. I believe this offer makes it well worth while for all de- partments to take time off immediately to check their present printed supplies, and to attempt to anticipate next year’s needs as far as possible. Letterheads, envelopes, all regular office forms, as well ss all printing which will be needed with the opening of school, fall in this category. I have a card file which shows the quantity and cost of all printing which we have done for your office the past two years, which might be of some help in anticipating future needs. Phone me at KU-103 if I can be of any service. Yours very truly, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PRESS I See TCR3 JB Director Printing, Multigraphing and Mimeographing for the University June 16, 1942. Miss Mateel Rich, 136 Bast 30th St., New York, N.Y. Dear Miss Rich: Thank you for sending the card with your forwarding address. we haven't forgotten that we promised tickets for our basketball games in the Fast next winter for you’ and Mr. Snurr. With best wishes for your success, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAAT Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. “New address for Mateel Rich: 136 East 30th St. New York, N. Y. Phone: Murray Hill 5-5547 Business Phone: Pennsylvania 6-7000, Ext. 412 Moved from University of Kansas to Policy Forms Division (Actuary's Department) Equitable Life Assurance Society dune 6, 1942. My. Julian Ralston, $20 Bitting Building, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Julian: I am writing you regarding your letter of April 23 in which you gave me some confidential information regarding a teacher at “ichita University. i : I prize very highly your information end I em pretty positive that all the things that you say regarding the individ- ual are not without foundation from some standpoint. But here is our situation, Julien. The war has taken 55 of ow faculty nenbers end many of these fellows with edvanced degrees have gone into health and physical training work. When we began to look around for a man with a Ph.D. degree = some of our adminis~ I do want you to know thet we appreciate the trouble you went to in reveal- ing to us the factual side of the situation. With all good wishes, I em Very sincerely yours, : Director of cal Education and Recreation, * PCAsAr Varsity Vas ll and Baseball Coach. ‘April 24, 1942. Mr. Julian Ralston, Attorney at Lew, 920 Bitting Bldge, Wichita, Kansas. - Dear Julians Thank you very mich for your letter of the 25rd instant. I appreciate the information you have sent, and grateful always for your friendly sooperation. With kindest personal regards, I em Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. JULIAN E.RALSTON ATTORNEY AT LAW 920 BITTING BUILDING WICHITA,KANSAS April 23, 1942 Dr. Fevest C. Allen Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have had a little difficulty in finding someone I could depend upon to give me confidential information regarding the individual you had in mind as a prospect. for your department. Finally, I was able to obtain information through a source that I consider reliable and I approached several individuals who were so situated as to know quite a bit about this man. Ps: Paes bebe a iE ress a I am advised that they all were of the firm opinion that he is not at all desirable for this type of work. He is described as being very much of a "heel" and arrogant to the point of being obnoxious. I give you this information not as my own idea since I do not know this individual at all but as relayed to me through another man from three parties who know the person in:question quite well. I trust that this will be of some assistance to you. I am Yours very truly, SS EMPORIA PUBLIC SCHOOLS || iron 2 25, 18a W.M. RICHARDS SUPERINTENDENT Deer Frientst We should like to make the high school department of the State Conference of Parents end Teachers 8 dis= cussion meeting. In order that we my have 8 more care=— fully directed discussion, i shall sppreciete it very much if you will enswer the four questions which appear belowe Se os high HE as tne Agsocietian? 7 be Whet are the most difficult problems of: mainteining a high school Parent-leacher Association? ce “het are some of the outstanding achievements which you have deserved in high school units ‘the last year? ds “het solutions of difficult problems have come to your attention during the past year? This commmication is going to a carefully selected group of individuals who have shown an interest in parent} — teacher work. We shall appreciete very greatly your answers Yours truly, April 6, 1942. Mr. Carl VY. Rice, $11 Huron Building, Keneas City, Kansas. Dear Carl: I appreciate very much your kind letter of March 13 offering congratulations on the anniversary of ny twenty-five years of service at the University of Kansas. We, of course, were deeply impressed by the expression of our friends, and I am aorry that you found it impossible to attend the dinner. With best wishes for your continued success, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAs AH Varaity Basketball and Baseball Coach. LAW OFFICES Rice, MILLER & HYATT SUITE Sli HURON BUILDING KANSAS CITY, KANSAS CARL V. RICE HARRY G. MILLER, UR. we. S. HYATT, UR. CONRAD MILLER March 13, 1942 Dre Fe. Ce Allien Athletié Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I very much regretted that I was unable to.come to your party. I had tickets to both the game and the dinner and fully expected to be there, but was suddenly called out of the city. I wanted to congratulate you personally on the achievement of staying twenty-five years in one spote My observation of the coaching profession is that this is really an achievement. I hope that you stay there twenty-five years longer and increase the already large and enthusiastic group of ad- mirers of your personality and ability. I always regret that I do not find time to take a more active interest in Kansas athletics, but in these days we are driven by our jobs and, of course, are all glad to work as hard and as long as is necessary to do our part in the war effort. The first time you are in town, give me a ring, as I would like to personally extend my congratulations to you. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely Ve Rice EDITORIAL ROOMS COUNTRY GENTLEMAN AMERICA’S FOREMOST RURAL MAGAZINE ROBERT H. REED EDITOR THE CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY INDEPENDENCE SQUARE - PHILADELPHIA April 2, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Dep't of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I've been so dazed over this sudden promotion that I am badly behind in acknowledging the nice letters that came in. I really appreciated having your enthusiastic note, but it makes me ashamed that I didn't send you at least fifty tele- grams of congratulations on the fine things your basketball team did this year. Bill Stetson had a fine year with his Swarthmore tean, although he lost four games by one point. He talks about you every time I see him. One of his boys, Stan Cope, who is my hero, finished his college career by scoring forty-one points. That's a hot man, Phog. I hope to see you before long. With good wishes to you and your family. Cordially yours, RHR: S “3 O , Meek April 2, 1942. Mr. Julien EB. Ralston, Attorney-at~-Law, 920 Bitting Building, Wichita, Kansas. Dear Julian: ¢ I have received you letter of April let, and an umable to understand how he can make such a claim. I have given your name to no one. A copy of your letter was sent to our Professor Davis, faculty representative, but your name was deleted. Dutch Scheuffler is lying, and you tell him I said so, if you want to bring my name intd it. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Merch $l, 1942, Miss Palma Robinson, Box 3717, Texas State College for ‘Women, Denton, Texase Dear Miss Robinson: I am returning herewith your questiomaire concern~- ing dance courses in the curriculum for men. Mr. Henry Shenk, of our department, has filled out the questionnaire, end I am signing it as head of the department. I trust that this information will be of some value te you in your study. — Sincerely yours, | as Director of Physical Mducation and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. | Enc. Box 3717, T. Se Gs We Denton, Texas March 14, 1942 Director of Physical Education for Men University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: As a graduate student in the Department of Health and Physical Education at the Texas State Collese for Women in Denton, Texas, I am making a thesis study entitled "A Syllabus for the Teaching of Dance to Men Major Students in the Health and Physical Education Department of the Louisiana State Normal College’. This is, as you notice, a study for one specific teacher educa~ tion institution; however, after experimentation and revision, I believe that the study will be of real benefit to men major students in other colleges and universities as well as to teachers in professional service. Because of the nature of the study, the investigator is gathering points of view from the elementary, high school, and college levels. You have been recommended as an authority in the field of health, physical education, and recreation whose point of view as to the attitudes, policies, and needs of men major students would be most helpful and highly valued. For the purpose of gathering these viewpoints of authorities on the three levels of education, I have prepared the enclosed check list which, I believe, you will find so arranged as to require a minimum of your time in giving the information requested. Your cooperation in completing this check list is solicited and your prompt attention to this matter will be of further assistance to the investigator. For your convenience, I am enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Please know that your time and effort are greatly appreciated. x : A Palma Robinson Enel-2 March 13, 1942. Dear Bob: Gosh, we are proud of yous Just read in the Kansas City Times this morning of your promotion to the editorship of that fine paper, and Ben's elevation to the editorship of the Saturday Bvening Post. How proud we are of our Kansas boys! Mrs. Allen, our daughter Mary, and all of us rejoiced at the good news. Our leve to the Reed family. Sincerely yours, \ Strawter of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches February 21, 1942. Mr. Guy Rebertenn, 217 Locust, Kensas City, Mo. Dear Mr. Rebates I want to tell you how womlerfully pleased we were with the performance of the "Sons of the South" at the basketball came in lech Auditorium at Lawrence last night. The response of the crowl was, I am sure, most gratifying to your boys. : We also appreciate the fact that you were so willing to make the change in date after we had first | told you ow” game was on Thursday night instead of Priday night. With deep appreciation of your courtesy, and meny thanks, Iem Sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Education and Reoreation, FCA: AH Versity Basketbell and Baseball Coach. "SONS OF THE SOUTH", of Tuskegee Institute, Alabama. Pianist, Bob Price | First tenor, William Charles Gordon Second tenor, Algie Haugh Baritone, Carl Braxton Bass, Walter Roper (Under the management of Mr. Guy Robertson, Royal Crown Cola) Netionnlly lnown redie end concert artists; have been heard over CBS and NBC networks; also had a command performance before President Roosevelt. Merch 14, 1942 Mire Janes F, Reece, Superintendent of Schools, Bushton, Kensase Thank you for your kind letter of March lith inviting me to speak at your athletic banquet some tine heavy schedule I have this spring, I may find it a bit difficult te arrange a date with you. We are pleying in . night, and of course do not know yet how we will come out in the tournament. Dr. Elbel, I shall be happy to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Bushton Public Schools James F. Reece, Sup't BUSHTON, KANSAS | March 11, 1942 Dr, Forrest C, Allen, Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: I have watched your teams play and our boys here look up to you as one of the great men in athletics. We are planning our athletic banquet and we are hoping that it would be possible for you to come out and make our Address of the evening, We would be hapvy for vou to set the date that would work in with your schedule if you are at all interested, We have several boys that are good college material, What would be the least that you could very likely make the trip for? We would be happy to meet you at Ellsworth, Kansas if you did not see fit to make the trip by car. Trusting that we might have a favorable reply in the near future, I beg to remain, ; Very sincerely yours, a ne Supt. of Schools JFRgcb