Mey 29, 1942. Mr. Ployd A. Rowe, Principal, Dear Ployd: I enjoyed reading your letter of May 19th and I could | deeply appreciate your feeling. I know what it must mean to a father to visit with a son who doubtless is going on a lon trek and a dangerous one. : { mve two sons ond both, of course, are Liable to the | same call that your son is. However, my youngest son, Bobby, has just completed his freshmen medical year at the University of Pemsylvania. He comes home in three weeks to start on his sophomore year this sumer. Of from being placed in the critical A i BS ‘i I, too, lmow that many young mon will never return from foreign service, and I have exactly the same mind that you have, I am sending you a copy of a letter that I wrote Val Lents last year when he wrote me asking about the fan shaped backboard. You can see that I called his hand at that time in that they are working to no good end. I sending you a copy of a letter that I wrote Nels Norgren _asked me to reconsider my re~ signation as chairmen of rules ttee of the National Basketball Coaches Associations much interested any more in the machinations of these y politicians. There are so many more bigger and greater things that I cannot be bothered. f th LEE si Good luck to you, Floyd. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. _ May 25, 1942. Mr, A, F, Rupp, - Baeketball Coach, | University of Kentucky, . Lexington, Kentucky. Dear Adolph: Seal-O-San is a very good floor dressing, but since the care of the floor is entirely in the hands of our Department of Buildings and Grounds, they. naturally select the floor dressing. Very sincerely yours, - Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA :Ali Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ® UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS May Nineteen 1942 Coach Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Coaéh?: Our State Finance Commissoner has requested that I write to you in regard to the floor dressing that you use on your basxetball floor. Do you use Seal-O-San? [If so, why? If you do not use it, what preparation do you use and how much per gallon do you pay for it? Do you find it more satisfactory than Seal- 0-San? I would appreciate an immediate answer as the Commissoner seems anxious to have this information, Very truly yours, A. F. Rupp Basketball Coach April 10, 1942. Governor Payne He Ratner, Executive Mansion, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Governor Ratner: _ I have procrastinated in writing you about the exceptional courtesy that you and Mrs. Ratner showed Mrs. Allen and me and the boys on the basketball team. We all had a wonderful time at your dinner, and I am sure the boys enjoyed every minute of it. With appreciation of your hospitality and leyalty to the University, . an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Kducation and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Governor Payne H. Ratner, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Governor Ratner: We greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness in wiring us in Kansas City last Friday. Although we did not defeat Colorado, there were many in the anditorium who thought the Kansas team gave a good account of itself. Your loyalty and support mean much to the boys on the team, as well as myself. Sincerely and appreciatively yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 3 TY BP ee ee CLASS OF SERVICE = 55) 7 SYMBOLS — is a hay a DL=Day Letter elegram, or Cable- = : na —— its de- prs ee erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cabl 4 dicated by a suitable é — ~ | symbol gc or pre- : 4 eu | NLT =Cable Night Letter | ceding the address. A. N. eas NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDEN CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT CL ae ‘The ‘filimg on shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is er TIME at point of destination KAA243 AZDL=TOPEKA KANS 20 315P DR FORREST C (PHOG) ALLEN= m2 MAR 20 PH 3 Bp KANSAS UNIVERSITY BASKETBALL SQUAD MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM KSC= : REGRET EXCEEDINGLY 7 45 IMPOSSIBLE FOR US TO SEE YOU BEAT COLORADO TONIGHTs WE WATCHED YOU TREY THE OKLAHOMA AGGIES» HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS ON THE GREAT GAME YOU PLAYED - TUESDAY NIGHT. BEST WISHES FOR TONIGHTs:WE WILL WATCH -YOU AT. THE FINALS TOMORROW NIGHTS | PAYNE RATNER AND FAMILYs THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR PAYNE RATNER TOPEKA GOVERNOR March 16, 1942, Dr. Forrest C. Allen,Director, Physical Education, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: I want to acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 9th together with copy of your letter to Harold Keith of the University of Oklahoma which I have read with much interest. You stated the matter very ably and persuasively and I was glad to have the opportunity to read it. The two boys, Mrs. Ratner and myself will be over toccheer the team on tomorrow night and“footing for them. With very best wishes, I am, _ ( a , PR/L “ ee ¥ . iat a it a alae ha , ‘ ia _ sinters esi sat é ok ag SE a al a Sa Be I a a er eS a a a I a i al at eri ee | j TROOP "A", 2ND SQUADRON CAVALRY REPLACEMENT TRAINING CENTER #1777 FORT RILEY, KANSAS. February 18, 1942. Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Hducation University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: On behalf of the men of this Organization, especially the basketball players, I wish to thank you most sincerely for your generous response to Private Manginits request for a basketball. Both they and I appreciate your kindness. The ball is being put to excellent use. Gratefully yours, Vlg lwo ROBERT E. O'BRIEN, Captain, Cavalry, Commanding. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION February ads 1942. Privete John Mangini, Athletic Director, Troop "A", 2nd Squadron, C.R.T.C., Fort Riley, Kansas. Dear Mr. Mangini: I am happy to have your letter of recent date, and to know of the interest in basketball in Troop "a", We are mailing you, under separate cover, a used basketball. While it is not customary for us to dispose of our basketballs in this manner, I assure you that it is a pleasure to do what we can for your athletic program. With best wishes to you and your Troop, I am Very si aly yours, pee : — Director of Physical Educatj and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baséball Coach. February 11, 1942. ° Private John Mangini, Athletic Director, Troop eat 2nd Squadron, CoReToCas Dear lis Mangini: niu Demy As teow yous Jatees OF vues Gu and to know of the interest in basketball in Troop "a". We are mailing you, under separate cover, a used basketball. While it is not customary for us to dispose cf ow basketballs in this manner, I assure you that it is a pleasure to do what we can ' for your athletic program. | With best wishes to you end your Troop, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. wi VS en, 2 Circ, Sant’ ey, Ce dom oe AEC, bi oe VE aaActhagd owe, ~ Aare panes oh 0 fechallel lan, A. 2 plane Fak Letee macs we pourd) on? _ shee Archit! 3 play wt Wall oe rt January 22, 1942. Governor Payne H. Ratner, Executive Mansion, Topeka, Kansase Dear Governor Ratner: . We received a fine letter from Teno this morning saying you were coming to the game on Saturday when we play We are going to take movies of the game, and wo are very desirous of taking a pre-game picture of the Governor » the Chancellor, Mr. Quigley, the referee, and the two captains. This film will be used over the state, and should be very popular because it will represent both schools. The game starts at 7:30, and we would appreciate it very much if you could get here about 15 minutes before the game for this picture. We did not make final arrangements for the movies until yesterday, henee we did not write you sooner. But we do want you here, and if you cen arrive a few early we shall greatly appreciate it. | With kindest regards, I em Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physioal Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketbal and Baseball Coach. January 22, 1942. Teno Retner, Executive Mansion, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Teno: It was a pleasure to read the first chapter of your story on the F. U. basketball team. We are posting this on the tulletin board where the boys on the team can read it. I am sure they will all be very much interested. 2 We will be locking for you Saturday night. With best wishes to you, T an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAR Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. December 26, 1941. Teno Ratner, ou Executive Mansion, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Teno: Well, Teno, I em pretty fine, but Denver University scared the daylights out of me. With 38 seconds to go we were one point behind, and if Charlie Black had not taken . the ball away from a Denver man and dribbled down the to score we would have lost. , Teno, do not build the K,. U. team up too fast. We have got a lot of fine pleyers but they are all young, and since we have lost Engleman, Kline and Bob Allen we are going to have a difficult time of replacing then. However, I apprec- iate your confidence in us and we will do everything we can to justify it. I em glad that you are going to put Sam Hurst in your story, and I am wondering if you are not going to be in it yourself. I would like to have you on my team when you grow upe Certainly, I want a copy of your story. By the way of telling everybody on the team hello for _ you I am posting your letter on the varsity basketball bulletin board so when you come to see us play all the boys will know of your good wishes to then. I trust that you and your femily are all well. Give my kindest regards to each and every one of them. With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. December 10, 1941 The Honorable Payne Ratner State House Topeka, Kansas Dear Governor Re 2 I am sending you civiiraX Ot uk’ MnekGtlAX’ petiatidions If you will recall, T promised then to you if and when we had then printed. I hope that these will be useful to you end that you will be down for a number of the games this seasons With all cood wishes I am Sincerely yours, - Direeter of slic Education and Recreation PcA/pE Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR R . PAYNE RATNE TOPEKA GOVERNOR November 14, 1941 Mr. Forrest C, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ‘Dear Phog: Thank you very much for your letter of November 13th and for the basketball schedule for the coming winter. I appreciate your promptness in sending this to me. I am hopeful that I will get to attend a number of these games, we are looking forward to the game tomorrow end hope that I will have an — to see you. I will pass on to_Mrs, tner the information about the cane "aes know whether it will be possible for us to get down for this game, as I have som conflicts on that day. However, if we could, I know we would really enjoy it. With very best wishes, I am November 15, 1941 The Hon. Payne Ratner Gevernor State of Kansas State House | Topeka, Kansas Dear Governor Payne, I am happy indeed to send you a mimeographed copy of our basketball schedule for this winter. We de not have our printed schedules as yet, and: if and when we do I will send you a supply of them. I consider this a great compliment to our basketball team in that you have asked for our dates. We appreciat it very much. I noticed in the paper this morning that you will be down for the Kanses State game. I know how busy you will be so we will just say “hello” to you at a distance. Our very best to Mrs. Ratner and your three fine kiddies. By the way, our Varsity and Freshmen ere playing a game at 8:15 Friday night, Nov. 21. This is a part of the Homecoming festivi- ties and if you want to ses a real bang-up game and should happen to be down for the Homecoming we will be happy to have you. Tell Mrs. Ratner and the children that this will be a good ball game be- cause Mit Allen is coaching the Freshmen and he says he is going to beat the old gent. I thought perhaps the femily might be down for some part of the festivities and if they were we would be happy to have you. Anyhow, we will open up against the University of Oklahoma on Jan. 6 in our conference games and we will try to make Mr, Tucker sorry that he went to Oklehoma. Of course our first game at home is with Denber University on December 17, so we will be looking for you. With all good wishes I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Fca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ——— STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR PAYNE RATNER TOPEKA GOVERNOR November 10, 1941. Mr. Forrest Allen, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: If it is not too much trouble I would like to have a copy of your basket ball schedutes for this winter. I want to set some dates but do not want them to conflict with the basketball schedules. Thanking you for this favor, I an, COLLINWOOD HIGH SCHOOL 15210 ST. CLAIR AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO May Nineteen 1942 OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL Mr. Forrest Cc. Allen, Director Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Phog: Your letter of May 12 is at hand in which you promote me to assistant superintendent of Cleveland public schools. Thanks for the fine promotion. However, I have not been officially notified of it yet end I am only the principal of Collinwood High School to date. Aut The copy of your letter addressed Gwinn Henry and signed by George Edwards, dated | April 5, and your reply of Mey 8 constitute very interesting reading. I am particu- larly interested in the last paragraph of this letter to Edwards which I quote for you simply to save you the trouble of looking it up. “Undoubtedly the N.C.A.A. executive committee has killed the N.CeA-A-e tournament by grebbing everything within sight. The N.CeA.A. basketball committee has also dme irreparable harm by their administrative supinity and rules-concocting at the meeting in New Orleans. There are more politicians on the committee than there are men of vision. One year they put the high school federation in power to meet the ends of their own purposes, and the next year they make them the goat endeavoring to please a few eastern coaches." It is needless for me to comment further than that upon the situation other than to say that it was my own decision not to be a candidate for chairmanship of the Rules Committee again this year. I have felt, ever since my elevation to that po- sition that to have both Porter and myself officers of the committee gave too much weight to the high school representation. While I believe that the sniping that was going on was directed at Porter rather than at myself, I feel that Forter's ser- vices on the committee were more valuable than my own and, therefore, voluntarily withdrew. Getting into my present work, I find that there are other things which appear to me to be far more important then basketball rules legislation and, there- fore, am glad to withdrew as en officer of the association. If my present feeling continues, I shall ask the. National Federation not to reappoint me as a representa- tive on the Rules Committee. This may be due to a reaction which is simply a con- comitant of the times. In other words, during my stay in New Orleans I had an opportunity to visit with my son who is 4 lieutenant in the Medical Corps at Camp Shelby. I was impressed with the possibility of his being sent to foreign service and to the fact that he might never return. In addition I could not help but multiply that feeling by the hundreds end thousands of young men who will never return, and with this. n mind, the whole set up from the machinations of the Nation- al Basketball College’ “Gerri ttee to the petty politics of the Rules Committee itself which I have enjoyed immensely over the past year seemed so inconsequential and played so small a part in the desparate situation in which we now find ourselves that it required about all the self-control that I had, on a number of occasions, to gat Letter to Mre Allen page 2 keep from castigating the individuals who were so earnestly engrossed in the basket- ball question, as to whether a molded type ball or a sewn type should be official, or whether a fan shaped back stop or a rectangular back stop was all importent. As I say my mentel attitude was probably so conditioned that it was impossible for me to see the importance of the basketball meeting. As a matter cf fact, prior to it I tried to get it cancelled. I still feel it should have been cancelled and the time and energy of the men who went there and organized all these inconsequential matters could have been much better spent. Thanks, Phog, for letting me blow off a little steam to you. Trusting that our paths may cross in the not too far distent future, I am Very sincerely yours, Floyd A. Rowe Principal far-rb August 5, 1942. \ ir. Otto Rost, 6200 Oleatha St., St. Louis, Mo. Dear Otto: | a 3 I am sending you a copy of a letter that I reocived from Kenneth Wulfemeyer, end alse a copy of my reply to him. Had the boy come he expecting me to pay his I do not know whether you would care to do anything for him at the Delta Tau Delta house the way you did previously, or not, or whether you sould do it. ee ae oe oe because they would put him on probation and i% would be necessary for him to make a "C¢" average in his classes. | Se f I would be glad to have you write mo what you think regarding Kenneth's future. I want to help him help himself, and I want your guidance. By the way, Ensign Jolumy Burge was in yesterday with his wines, end he leche Vile @ niliton dollars. He told me that when he was in St. Louis ‘he saw you and that you were being reassigned to MoKinley High Sohool. I imagine that you like the | come Wek Gee ates adler Sie: Wl akan nk: de yon mot, Otto? The administrative work is desirable from some’ stand- — ee fellows. Please give my kindest regards to Mrs. Roast, and 2 ot om hetng Mant net eet ree Family Bee, SF Set : With best personal regards, 1 T om om ‘Very sincerely yours, POA:AR ve : . Veusity Basketball Coach. eo. - (Dre AEhdi wid batt ind Sis’ Shbtanel DANY alee this letter was written, ee en ee | hee) c December ll, 1941. __ Sre He Lopez Reboledo, Galle Blanes, 869 Apto. 4 Montevideo, Uruguay, Soke Dear Friend Reboledo: I greatly appreciate your kind letter written on October 24th, eee ee reply sooner. I am glad to know of the progress of Goal-Hi. We are in the midst of preparations for our winter basketball season here. I am sending you a copy of our/schedule. You will see that our opening game is ‘be’ played next week, December 17th, with Denver Universitye In reply to your inquiry sbout courses for basketball coaches, I presume you ere referring to what we call “coaching schools" or “coaching clinics", usually held during the summer. Last summer I was one of the faculty members at the Iowa Coaching School and Officials’ Clinic, and I am enclosing a copy of their program. Most ef these coaching schools are conducted on a similar basis, and I thought this program would be helpful to you in making your plans. If I can be of further help to you it will be a great pleasure. With kindest regards for the Yuletide season, _ I em e Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Ence Yontevideo October 24, 1941 My highly esteemed Dr. Allen: With real pleasure I prepare to reply to your very amiable letter of July 31, being truly regretful of the fact that I have not done so before due to series of e events which have taken my time end attention. : _The advancement of "GOAL-HI" here is proceeding slowly : but surely. The great popularity of basketball constitutes 7 in a certain way a hinderance, but you will be delighted : 4 to know that in spite of the fact that I can not (advance) 4 - it as much as I should like still matches and games are a taking place. ‘The National Committee of Physical Education, 7 an organization which directs the sports of the country ; will soon take up the matter of making the game official; s and the School of Fencing and Physical Culture of the Army is is at this moment considering its being included in the program of physical education of the Army. Very soon I hope to give you good news in re -to this. A week ago I sent to an important institution in Argentina, "la Fun- dacién Ateneo de la Juventud! the material which you so kindly sent me and I am in hopes of receiving:a favorable reply from the directors of this organization, Mr. Fred- | erick Dickens. For some time I have~been corresponding ? 4 with .my friends in Chile, Peru, Paraguay and Brazil : but in my next correspondence I shall suggest names and addresses of persons who may cooperate if you are in- terested in so doing. In regard to your trip to South America permit me to be so indiscreet as to be doubtful about it though I greatly desire it; perhaps when my son Héctor Raul is a coach you may come to these shores. .. today he is three months old. Finally I beg you to be so kind as to send me if it : a isn't too much trouble, information regarding courses for coaches of basketball which are carried on in the United States and in which I understand that you take an active pert, for I plan to organize here soon a similar course. I shall be extremely grateful. ae Silica AE pee CR leat | MER RRR ay Not wishing to trouble you further, with my affection- ate greetings to your distinguished family, I ask you to receive the expressions of my highest consideration and esteem, oe Jou dy ‘ “A Areliin, pdirndo how ye E. Dépez Reboledo “Sn nears nenandene ea i) a OA AR AR yrs A lz a J eblaienbiale Sa daa ete: ot Ls Seats ok: nari MONTEVIDEO, 24 de Octubre de 1941.- Sr. Dr .Forrest Cc. Allen Universidad de Kansas LAWRENCE - Kansas U.S.A. Mi estimado Doctor Allen: Con verdadero placer me;dispongo a dar respuesta a su muy amable carta de Julio 31, lamentando de veras no haberlo hecho antes a raiz de una serie de acontecimientos que me han distrafdo mucho tiempo y atencidn.- El. Goal-Hi camina aqui despacio pero seguro. La enorme populari- dad del basketball constituye en cierto modo un inconveniente, pero a usted le resultard grato constatar que a pesar de que yo no puedo | empefiarme todo lo que desearfa, ya se realizan campeonatos. La Comi- | sidn Nacional de Educacidén Ffsica, ministerio que dirige los deportes en el pafs se interesard prdéximamente por la oficializacidn del jue- g0,y la Escuela de Esgrima y Cultura Ffsica del Ejército estd estu-- | diando en estos momentos su inclusidn en el programa de educacién ffsica del ejército. Muy pronto espero darle buenas noticias al res- | pecto.- Hace ocho dfas envié a una gran institucidn argentina, la Fundacion Ateneo de la Juventud, material del que usted tuvo la gentilez leza de remitirme y estoy en espera de la opinidn del director de : dicha entidad, Mr. Frederick Dickens.- Hace cierto tiempo que no man- tengo correspondencia con mis amigos de Chile, Pert, Paraguay y Bra- | sil, pero en mi proxima correspondencia le indicaré algunos nombres | y direcciones de personas que pueden colaborar, si usted tiene inte- rés en ello.- Respecto de su viaie a Sud América, vermftame la indiscrecidn de ponerlo en duda, pero lo deseo fervientemente; quizés cuando mi hijo Héctor Raul sea entrenador usted llegue a estas playas... hoy cumple tres meses de edad.- Por Ultimo le solicito tenga a bien enviarme si ne ekeete para | usted informacién respecto a los cursos para entrenadores de basquet- bol que se realiza en Estados Unidos y en los que,segiin tengo enten- | dido usted participa, pues pienso organizar aqui en breve un curso si- | milar. Le quedaré sumamente agradecido.- Deseando no melestar mds su atencidén, con mis afectuosos saludos 4 a su distinguida familia, reciba las expresiones de mi mas alta consi- deracioén y estima, - H.Ldépez Reboledo Calle Blanes,869 Apto. 4 Montevideo - Uruguay ae Sagrada F Alumnos del Colegio de la Sagrada Familia que integrando cuatro equipos de aceptable capacidad ., técnica compitieron esta. mafana en el primer c ampeonato de “Goal-Hi’, que se realiza en nuestro pais. El entusiasmo con que actuaron no hizo clau.dicar los deberes de la caballerosidad deportiva y el concurso tuvo asi un auspicioso desarrollo wait es i Profesores de cultura fistea de “Juventus” que prestaron su con- curso en cardcter de jueces para el éxito del primer campeonato de dicho deporte americano realizado en ocasién. del Dia de la Raza en el Colegio y Liceo de la Sagrada Familia. Estos mismos jueces actuardn en varios clubes de la capital donde se pondra en practica el nuevo deporte. o