By the way, Ensign Jolumy Burge was in yesterday with his wines, end he leche Vile @ niliton dollars. He told me that when he was in St. Louis ‘he saw you and that you were being reassigned to MoKinley High Sohool. I imagine that you like the | come Wek Gee ates adler Sie: Wl akan nk: de yon mot, Otto? The administrative work is desirable from some’ stand- — ee fellows. Please give my kindest regards to Mrs. Roast, and 2 ot om hetng Mant net eet ree Family Bee, SF Set : With best personal regards, 1 T om om ‘Very sincerely yours, POA:AR ve : . Veusity Basketball Coach. eo. - (Dre AEhdi wid batt ind Sis’ Shbtanel DANY alee this letter was written, ee en ee | hee)