— U. > a April (3,194) go, Re AC, Qtr a dna, mite.” Diese Ae peat dow wesw bath cpl cone Lote wate pe whut aa Wine oad to Lew Het Bee ee 1, DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTION CE CT TE Sate ~— February 13, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: ee Under separate cover I am sending you a copy of the\BLACK AND GOLD, » On Page 10, you will find the material on the study I made. Basketbell wasn't the only sport involved in the study, As a re- sult of the study, the junior high schools of Cleveland gave up their interscholastic competitive program. With personal regards, I am Sincerely yours Sos Floyd A. Rowe, Directing Supervisor FAR:McG Bureau of Physical Welfare ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE PERSON SIGNING ‘ ot ai zh ot rh a 4 ; August 2, 1941. Ur. Te C. Ryther, Director, University of Kansas Press. Deer Ere Ryther: Congratulations on the progressive step in , re-naning the printing department of the University. 1f have often wondered why it should not be the University Press. it is certainly more dignified and impressive, It is significant of the fine institution. Very sincerely yours, é Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ANNOUNCES THAT, EFFECTIVE SEPT. 1, 1941, ITS PRINTING DEPARTMENT, FORMERLY KNOWN AS Journalism Press AND MORE RECENTLY AS THE Bureau of Printing, OFFICIALLY BECOMES THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PRESS THOS. C. RYTHER, DIRECTOR JOURNALISM BLDG., UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE Mey Sth, 1941 Mre & Mrse Lucian naker Rutherford Leavenworth, Kansas Dear Lucian and Mrse Rutherford: : This will acknowledge receipt of your good letter. While the services rendered Connie were no more than I wes only too hapny to be able to dd, nevertheless, your gratefulness is sincerely appreciated. Urse Allen and I desire to thank you for your kindness in sending us the luscious box of Mrse Stover's Candiese ob, Eleanor, lirse Allen and — myself enjoyed the candy very muche However, I assure you it was not at necessary as it is a pleasure to give your kind any service in our small administration. We have had six children and avy kindness s} own to then always wins the eterml gratitude of their parents. ‘Therefore, I was most happy to extend this small courtesy. i tave every reason to believe that Connie will derive mueh benefit from her treatments and I sincerely trust that she will be able, very shortly, to continue her practice sessions, | With all good wishes, I em, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches LUCIEN B. RUTHERFORD “ATTORNEY AT LAW " TIMES BUILDING LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS May 3, 1941.6 Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen, University of Kansas, Lewrence, Kensas, My Dear Phog:« This is a hard letter for me to write because Mrs. Ruther~ ford and I are so very grateful to you for your kininess in examining Connie and directing the course of treatment she should have and I know before I start that nothing I can or will say here will adequately ex= presse that gratitude. and Connie told her mother yesterday how wonderfully you treated her,we feel thet the battle is half won already because she has so much confidence in you and is so assured that the treatment suggested by you will correct her trouble. We have been so worried about the girl for over @ year and the doctor's guessing and prescriptions did not produce the desired re~ sultse As I explained to you the day I telked to you, Connie is a violin major and naturally we would like for her to get her degree next year and we are hopeful that the treatment prescribed by you will make that possible, although she and we can and will forgo that satisfaction if,in your opinion, she should not play the violin so much hereaftere Connie is quite embitous and I believe that Prof. Gelch will tell you she has considerable talent. When I came over to telk to you ebout Connie it was with the intention of paying you es I would anyone else and I am cepeligg mers emberrassead by your refusal to eccpt a fee. Neturally, we oe si ly indebted to you and I sincerely hope thet you will give me ppo r= tunity some day to do something for you in return. Please accept this expression of gra ti I cam see you end persorally thamk you for Connie, myself. tude and thenks until Mree Rutherford and LBR: hs Ruther orde August 26, 194. Mr. Bob Raugh, Troutdale in the Pines, Evergreen, Colorado. Dear Bob: Upon my return from the Iowa High School Coaches Association coaching school, I find your letter of the 16th instant on my desk. I note that you plan to work at the hotel until a few days after the closing date, September 1. It will mot be necessary for you to get here be- fore September 10th, so you take your own good time in arriving. We will be glad to welcome you and make arrange~ ments when you come ine I em glad that you and Mrs. Raugh had a fine sumer at Troutdale. By the way, rather an interesting thing came up in the plans for my daughter's honeymoon trip. Jane is marry- ing Elwood Mons of Chicago here in Lawrence on September 6. She told me that they had planned to stop at Troutdale in the Pines, so I took your letter home to inform her that the place would be closed. She, of course, had that information end they are planning to go to Estes Park. Had their wedding taken place sooner I would have had the pleasure of knowing that they were vacationing at a very fine place end that you would have looked after their wants. But their late date made this plan subject to change. With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FRED s. SIDLES ut PRESIDENT & GENERAL MANAGER VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY & TREASURER 30 MILES WEST a a : th J i OF DENVER Evergreen - Slorado August 16, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I have received an information card from the Board of Regents of the University of Kansas, informing me of my appointment. I want to thank you for giving me this fine opportunity to work on my iliaster's degree, We plan to work here at the hotel until a few days after the closing day, September Ist. However, if you deem it necessary for me to réport to you in Lawrence before that time, I can easily make arrange- ments to do so. Will you kindly advise me when to report to you, We have enjoyed a fine summer here at Troutdale but are looking forward to the coming year at Lawrence. Should you happen out this way, please look us up. With kindest personal regards, I am, Your very sincerely foot Bob Raugh August 18, 1941. Mr. Re We Raugh, Troutdale in the Pines, Evergreen, Colorado. Dear Mr. Raugh: Dr. Allen left last week-end for Boone, Iowa, where he is engaged in a coaching school sponsored by the Howa High School Athletic Association. He will return to Lawrence about the 23rd of August, | at which time your letter of the 16th will be brought to his attention. Enrollment takes place here at the University on the 15th and 16th of September, so I doubt if it will be necessary for you to report here before your work at the hotel is finished. However, Dr. Allen will advise you on the date, I am sure. Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. Forrest C. Allen. Merch 3, 1941 late de Graig Ruby Hell Brothers, Ince Kansas City, Missouri Deer Mre Ruby: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of Februsry 26th regarding four tickets for our game with Oklehoma A. and Me on March lithe I have talked with Mre Berl Falkenstien, Financial Secretary of the Athletic Association, about the four tickets for you and while he tells me they have nothing but standing room left, if you will send me e check for $3015, I will make a very strenuous effort to get the tickets for yous The 15¢ is for incured return postagee This is to make sure you receive the ticketse Thank you for your kind words regarding the Lyons Club telke Fraternally yours, Director of Physical Fducation and "ecresation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:mh KANSAS CITY NEW YORK HAY Dror ROTAERS i INCORPORATED MANUFACTURERS OF FINE GREETING CARDS GRAND AVENUE AND MCGEE AT TWENTY-FIFTH KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI February 26, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: George Williams, his wife, my wife and I would like to attend your game with Oklahoma A & M on March 11. I wonder if you could make a reservation under my name for the four seats. I would attach a check with this letter, but I do not know the exact amount. If your Ticket Department will notify me, I will send a check. Your talk at the Lyons Club last week was a fine one and I certainly agree with you. If the fathers of the boys who received these scholarships only knew what was being done to their sons, I doubt if they would permit them to accept these scholarships. I appreciate your kindness and wish you good luck as crucial games come along. - Fraternally, 6 J, Craig Ruby MCR: EG August 30, 1941. Dr. Earl-H. Reed, 815 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Dr. Reed: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 20th regarding my registration receipt and my dues. I had your letter of May 28th om my desk and expected to run up and have a personal conversation with you. I am enclosing a copple of letters from Dean Warner at K.C.0.S. I had thought that since they have asked me to perticipate in the annual spring post-graduate course that this would perhaps be excuse enough to certify for my registration. I taught ee ee re this past summer, and having conflicts in ee eee date. Gay Sui as tue sense & bone Gas aad te Gaaeer ob the national program but heve not been able to do so. I am also enclosing carbon copy of a letter from Dre R. G, Hulburt to Dr. Julius McBride. i“ Will you kindly return the file to me after you have finished with it? I trust that you will be able to certify ny registration under these conditions. Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Enc. STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY EARL H.. REED; D: O: 815 KANSAS AVE. . TOPEKA, KANSAS August 20,1941. Forrest 4 Allen,D.0. 3 80l:Louisana St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Notices that the Annual Registration fee would be due July 1, 1941, were mailed from this office May 28. Have you forgotten all about sending in the fee and registering your license for the year July 1, 1941 to July 1, 1942? Before you forget it again will you please mail this office the fee along with your post—gradua There is no record of vour post-graduate requirement for this yaar, on file in. this office. Please furnish same with your $5.00 remittance, : = Reed, D.0 ey oecretarye ORR FEE NOR ESE) EP he eR Sou pt ‘ PL ED OEE ETT RTD STATE OF KANSAS BOARD OF OSTEOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION OFFICE OF SECRETARY EARL H. REED, D. O. 815 KANSAS AVE. TOPEKA, KANSAS May 28, 1941 Dear Doctor: The Annual Registration Law, passed by the 1937 session of the Kansas Legislature, provides that every osteopathic physician legally licensed to practice osteopathy in the state of Kansas shall, on or before the first day of July each year, pay to the Secretary of the Kansas State Board of Osteopathic Examination and Registration, a fee of five dollars ($ $5.00), for the renewal of his license to practice in Kansas; and furnish satisfactory evidence of having com- pleted the post-graduate requirements. If you have neglected to obtain the post-graduate credits earlier in the year, you still have the opportunity to qual- ify by attending the A.0.A. Convention in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 23-24-25-26-27, 1941, or one of the courses of- fered by the Osteopathic Colleges immediately after the close of the present school year. YOUR POST-GRADUATE REQUIREMENT IS NECESSARY. DO NOT FAIL TO OBTAIN IT. Please use the enclosed yellow card in making your remit- tance. Meke all checks payable to: THH KANSAS STATH BOARD OF OSTBOPATHIC EXAMINATION AND REGISTRATION, Harl H. Reed, D.0O., Secretary. - ov 1941-42 a. mA a. ‘There is no record of your post-graduate requirement for this year, on file in this Office. Please furnish same with your $5.00 remittance, October 2, 1941. Urs Adolph Rupp, Basketball Coach, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentuckys Dear Adolph: treble that of our iecal tuition, thers is no way that I am sorry that this young man became ineligible for you by playing one yoar at T.P.I. ‘gain thanking you and wishing you every suceess, I an Very einoersly yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Resreation, PCALAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS September Thirtieth 9 44 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Bducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I am writing you about a boy, Hallie Hudson, who is enrolled here at the University. He came in yesterday and told us that he had enrolled at T.P.I. last year and has played in several freshmen games, That, of course, makes him ineligible to phay in our Conference. We have a ruling here in our Conference that if a boy has matriculated in any other institution and has participated in one game he is ineligible to participate in a Southeastern Conference school. I have followed this boy with a great deal of interest and picked him up in an N. Y. A. camp at McKenzie, Tenn. He is six feet, five inches tall and weighs 188 pounds, stripped. He comes from a family that is very poor and he has no means of attending school whatever. Since we have scholarships here in basketball we thought enough of his ability to offer him a freshman scholarship. He has unusual ability and I felt he would make us an outstanding center. He has played a lot of ball and he is a boy of unusually fine habits. He passed our entrance examinations here in good shape and I do not believe that he would every give you any trouble in regard to his studies. Is there any way that you could use him at all? I am interesta@ in sending him to you as he requested me to write this letter and I also feel that I would like to send you someone sometime that might do you some good. Naturally, if this boy were eligible to play here I would have kept him. I would appreciate hearing from you as he would be interested in enrolling there the second semester. I understand your register has closed for the first semester, Sincerely KE. Adolpy fF. Rupp 17 Varsity Basket Coach AFRser ig mie ep a i he port. ; i ik i : ni ‘eit 9G iS “Fi age a y ie ti} # fill qa! “ He re i fil, ry HF bind ili : Easthampton High Scheol Easthampten, Mass. December 6, 1940 Ceach Phog Allen Kansas College Kansas City, Kansas Dear Sir: I would like te get. your reactions in regard te ideal temperature cenditions under which basketball practices sheuld be held. : My basketball practices are of the scrimmage variety and players are withdrawn and replaced intermittantly.The players not participating are inactive. Will you please give me your ideas in regard te temperature during games and also in the dressing room. I should like reasons as I intend te quote yeu as authority ~~ in convincing my school cemmittee that I need more heat in my gymnasium and dressing room. The average temperature in my gym is new 62 degrees and in my dressing reom 60. Yours very truly, Po Ce