STANFORD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION Divisions of: ‘ Physical Education Activities (Including Athletics) Division of Informational Hygiene Professional Education in Hygiene and Physical Education Men Students’ Health Service University Health Service STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA April 13, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Porter has been very prompt in sending out a prelim- inary statement on the rules changes that were effected at our meeting in Chicago. Because of this advance notice, I rather imagine you will not care to have a copy of the changes from me since they would be a duplicate in every respect. I just wanted you to know however, that I had not forgotten your request. I had a very pleasant trip home, was stuck in the snow a couple of times and in the end it got rather tiresome because driving a new car was rather slow work. With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, Jo 4 nn