August 30, 1941. Dr. Earl-H. Reed, 815 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Dr. Reed: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 20th regarding my registration receipt and my dues. I had your letter of May 28th om my desk and expected to run up and have a personal conversation with you. I am enclosing a copple of letters from Dean Warner at K.C.0.S. I had thought that since they have asked me to perticipate in the annual spring post-graduate course that this would perhaps be excuse enough to certify for my registration. I taught ee ee re this past summer, and having conflicts in ee eee date. Gay Sui as tue sense & bone Gas aad te Gaaeer ob the national program but heve not been able to do so. I am also enclosing carbon copy of a letter from Dre R. G, Hulburt to Dr. Julius McBride. i“ Will you kindly return the file to me after you have finished with it? I trust that you will be able to certify ny registration under these conditions. Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Enc.