6-24-41 Page #7 For aircraft Electrician and Aircraft Engine Mechanic, Hawaiian Air Depot, © Hickam Field, Territory of Hawaii: File with Assistant Manager in Charge, Branch Office, Tyelfth U.S. Civil Service District, Room 354, Federal Building, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. For Senior Procurement Inspector, Procurement Inspector, and Assistant Pro-~ curement Inspector, various points throughout the U.S} File with Secretary, Board of U.S. Civil Service Exaniners, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. For all other positions: File with Secretary, Board of U.S. Civil Service Zxaminers, at the establishment where employment is desired, FIELD POSITIONS IN PHYSICAL TRAINING All appointments to field positions in physical training are made by the Com manding Generals of the following organizationss’ Southcast Air Corps Training Center Maxwell Field, Montgomery, Alabama. Gulf Coast Air Corps Training Center, Randolph Field, Texas. West Const Air Corps Training Center, Moffett Field, California. Air Corps Technical Schools, Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illinoise Applications should be made direct to the Commanding Generals of the above listed organizations, giving details of training and exncriencee The minimum re- quirements are as follows: B. S. degree in physical education, Three years experience in the field of physical educatione I shall be glad to place your name on my mailing list to receive future announcements if you will let me know that you desire to receive theme With my best wishes, I an Cordially yours, Loke, Reed #$38—41 6~24~41 CMR-js-bi