June 14th, 1941 Mr. James ~. Raport Assistant Professor of Physical Education Alabama Polytechnic Auburn, Alabama Dear Mr. Raport: Your carbon opy sent to Chancellor Deen Mallott is hereby acknowledged. When I found that you had left Lawrence without authority, I immediately communicated your absence to the admin- istrative office. You and I both had known before that no one has authority to leave the University of Kansas before Commencement time. It is necessary that a faculty member must receive a written excuse from the Chancellor of the University or have his per- mission. I was acting consistent with the responsibility of the heads of the department in reporting your absence. The letter that I wrote you was dictated after conferring with the administration. This merning I communicated with the administrative office end I understand that they are releasing the May check which was ordered held by them. Answering a part of your letter to the Chancellor, I wish to say that you gave your examinations but before the time they were supposed to have been given. You had no authority to do this and I desire to say that never at any time did I ask you to see Mr. Dugan regarding Varsity grades. Your letter does not agree with the facts of the case. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. YCA:re