April 14, 1942 Mire George Ae Riley Supte of Schools Rogersville Consolidated Schools Rogersville, Missouri Near Mre Rileys I have just checked up with the letterments elub here at the University end I find that they do not have a printed constitution or a set of byelaws that I could obtaing Several years ago they did have such a set, but it is impossible for me to lay my hands on ones I believe that te yon weihd wits te Bivedt ob te University of ifissouril that they would have one, because I remember reading a few years ago that they had set up such an organization, and it has been recent enough for them to have some on their handse Thank you so much for your congratulations regarding our basketball teame I will confess that they surprised me even more than they did many other people when they won the championships Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAslz