PAYNE RATNER GOVERNOR STATE OF KANSAS OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR TOPEKA April 1, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I have your letter of March 29th and appreciate your interest in writing me about Vance Hall. I know about this young man and I am putting his name in the file for consideration when the time comes up which is usually sometime around the latter part of May. In the meantime, it might be well for Vance to drop in at the office and talk to Wes Roberts, my secretary, so that they could work out the details. I, too, have been sorry that the press of legis- lative and state matters have made it impossible for us to see each other more often. We have enjoyed the games very much this winter. I note what you have to say about the garden party and I sincerely hope it will be possible for us to attend. We would enjoy the get-to-gether very much. It seems there are so many demands on a governor's time that he very rarely gets to do the things he would like to. With very best wishes and hoping you will stop in whenever you are up this way, I am “ at PR