December 23, 1940 . Eis Julian Be Ralston Attorney at Law Brom Building Wichita, Kansas . Tear Julians I just received your good letter of the 20th instant and we are getting ready to push off for New Yorke I will see if we cannot find a ball for you but frankly we have a awful time in keeping in stock any kind of a ball. The Varsity, Fresimen, end echeckroom generally wear out most of the balls so completely that they are not much good after they have run the gauntlet of these four activities. However, I will do the best that I can for youe 3 We are playing in Wichita on the Srd, and I hope to have a chance to visit with you thene — ) My kindest regards to you and your good wife and here's hoping that you and yours will have the Happiest Yuletide and the Most Prosperous New Year thet you have experienced in quite sometimes. : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig