April 4, 1940. litre Je Ye Ross, Sales Department, Standard 011 Company, . Wichita, Mausase Dear Mre Ross: I shall be very happy to speak to your Rotary Club on Monday, April 29th. I note that your meeting is held in the Lassen llotel, and the time is 12:15 noone on Thank you for your congratulations of our team in the N.Ceiel. Toiitiament. We are, of course, proud of the way our boys came throughs ; ; Looking formmrd to seeing you on the 29th, and with best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache 2. f train to ! 5 E : & ; : i qf 8 PeSe will own does not provide traveling expenses, and I must charge five cents a mile each wy for the trip. I trust this Pol ole 8 | i