April 25, 1940. Mre Ge Ott Romey, Director, Recreation Section, W.P.Ae, c/o Headquarters of American Association ae Nealth, Physical Education, Recreation, Hotel Stevens, Chicago, Illinoise Dear Ott: 1 nn Ghineing sour Jevien af April 12. 1, too, was keenly disappointed that I did not get to see you in Kansas City at the Indiana-lensas massacres. It would have been an extreme pleasure, I assure you, to have had another good visit with you. Then I thought surely I would see you in Chicago, but at ee ee ee ae eee a ee ee to got awmys I had plamned to go yesterday on the strean- liner and get to Chicago for the Thursday and Friday meetings, having to. return early Saturday morning, but this blew upe I en telling you now thet I will be here in the eight weeke Sumer School begiming Jiume 12. The fo week, August 12 to 17, I am to be at the University of Tems, for a basketball clinic. I am giving you my itinerary 80 that any arrangenent you make toward seeing me here in July will be satisfactory as far as I am concerned. It will be a pleasure to work with you in the establishment of an ine tensive short-course for administrative and technical oupervi surBe a ee Twill be kapyy to hear fron you at your convenience. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coache