FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION 1734 NEW YORK AVENUE Nw. WASHINGTON, D.C. F.C. HARRINGTON COMMISSIONER OF WORK PROJECTS April 12, 1940 Dr. Forrest Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"s It was a keen disappointment to me that a sudden change in my schedule on my recent visit to Kansas deprived me of the opportunity of visiting with you, congratulating you in person on your remarkable coaching feat and witnessing the championship game. A number of critics whose word I regard very seriously opined that your achievements of this season comprisedthe greatest coaching triumph in a brilliant, success—studded career. I am sure that the loss of the title game did not dim this estimate. To a man now sitting in the cheaper seats, it seems that you extracted more juice from the orange than nature intended. Many thanks for your courtesies and kindness in arranging for a seat for me. -I had hoped to make an engege- ment for a future meeting to discuss recreation courses in your department and the establishment of an intensive short— course for administrative end technical supervisors. Perhaps we can arrange for such 4 meeting. Where will you be toward the end of July? With best personal regards, I am Cordi ; G. Ott Romney, a. Recreation Section