March 5, 1940. Mire Floyd As Rowe, Board of Education, Cleveland, Ohicve Dear Floyds 2 | | I have been ashamed of in promising you this letter so many times % I have returned to the office tonight to take care of this : il for you. I hope, however, that it has not been so long that this informetion will arrive too late for your DUPPOSSS e i Answering your questions in orders le ‘There are 640 colleges playing football, so I immgine thet it would be safe to say there are 1,000 colleges pleying basketball @s & minimum. This is not coumting the jumior.colleges. The coaches, trainers, caretakers, end so forth, for varsity and fresh- men would maiber at least 10 or 12, so I would say 12,000. 2e The highest salary paid any college basketball coach in the Big - ten, I believe, is $7,500. I do not lmow what Clair Bee or some of here is $5,200 as director of the zi Educatione Incidentally I coach and $2,100 of this $5,200 that I receive is paid for basketball ¢ So you see I have never taken basketball as my main vocation. I have been offered goodly courte I believe that $500,000 a field house would be a very modest